COMPANY EMPLOYMENT PROJECTION - surat justifikasi for Employment Pass


ESD request us to submit the letter of justification for the person who apply for employment pass III, does anyone have the sample of the letter?

You need to write the following:-
1) Company brief and location
2) Amount of staff (expat) planning to hire in 2019
3) Summary Job Description of expat plan to hire e.g. CFO - to monitor and control finance of the business and submit financial reports to counterparts/ partners in home country. Etc etc
4) Importance of the said projected hiring of expat to your business.

Hi, do you have example for projection letter?


ESD request us to submit the letter of justification for the person who apply for employment pass III, does anyone have the sample of the letter? please help me to give me this sample letter.
thank you


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do you have PVP justification letter?

thank you

hi kuota apply example of justification letter


hi morning i need your help did u have sample of letter justification for applying PVP

@troyventuress Hi Ms. How do we start writing the letter?

Hello linda8124,

Welcome to!

Kindly note that the member troyventuress is no longer active on the forum.

Nonetheless, I hope that other members will be able to help you out soon.


Yoginee team

hi all,

the best body to prepare the justification letter (JL) should be your own company. they know better than you.

alternatively, they may engage external assistance to do that. most of the time , the co has no time to prepare the 'solid' JL but rather just a 'cold' one.  let the pro do it, then.

u may suggest it (external assistance) to your co if u see them like taking for granted of such JL importance.

the burden on making papers in order is on your co side...not Immigration authority. period.
