MDEC Process time

I have an application in MDEC.

Status: Decision stage

I wanna know
a. what the stages are?
b. how long does each stage take?
c. When I will be able to enter Malaysia.

Thanks in advance
My friend has been waiting for Visa Renewal for at least a month already owing to backlogs with MDEC. This is your answer to question C.

Below are the list of status and explanation for each of the status, for ESD. I assume these are applicable for MDEC as well.
Draft - The application is currently in draft status. Kindly complete the form and submit the application to proceed for the next stage.
Pending payment - The application is on hold for processing until payment is made.
Submitted/Documents verificationThe application has been submitted and is currently being processed for data accuracy and document(s) verification.
Decision stage - The application is scheduled to be presented to Expatriate Committee.
Pass Approval Stage - The application is successful and pending for pass approval.
Pass Issuance Stage - The application is approved. Company may proceed for endorsement process.
Endorsed/Completed - The pass is already endorsed in the applicant's passport.
Application Cancelled - The application is no longer in process.
Return to Company - The application is returned for amendment of info or further information is needed.
Reject - The application is unsuccessful as per the decision by the Expatriate Committee.
Deferral - The application processing is on hold for internal checking by the respective team as required by the Expatriate Committee.

For MDEC application process flow, you can follow the below link

any idea on MDEC FKW projection processing time, Its been almost 2 months since my company applied for so far they haven't get back to our HR, As said they have stated a business analysts will get back

Same condition in 2024, FKW not getting approved since 1.5 months, any suggestions will help

It is very difficult to get approval; we were rejected. Despite having an excellent company portfolio in our home country, we were still turned down. MDEC prefers companies with potential intellectual property capabilities, which they never mention on their website, and their consultants don't inform you about this before you submit the application. I wouldn't say it's a bad program, but it's not worth pursuing this visa. We should explore other options besides MDEC.