
Dependent Fees



My wife arrived KSA last month on permanent visa and i want to pay her dependent fees for her Iqama,  when i went to Jawazat office they told me to pay 3150SR but when we check online its only showing 500SR.
I paid 500SR now when i check in Absher for Iqama its showing not enough funds. Any suggestions what to do now.

See also

Iqama visa in Saudi ArabiaVisas in Saudi ArabiaQVP processing timeFamily resident visa requirement for indian in 2025 MarchDependent Iqama Renewal over age of 18

I think 500 you paid in wrong window.
When you login your bank can see
MOI services->Expatriate services->Assosiate fee for specific assosiate
alien ID : your Iqama ID  and assosiate ID : your wife border no (you can find in ur wifes passport)

then it will show exact amount pay the amount.

I hope it helps you.


Thanx, I did the same thing, actually not me my office mandoob did this it only showed 500SR now when i check in Absher its showing not enough funds. Now he is saying you have to go to Jawazat Office and talk to them.


I don't think so he followed same sure one of my frnd did same mistake...
Any how go to jawazat office All the best ! :)