
Relocating to Toulouse with my family .Suggestions required.

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Hello ,

  I am a new member to this  forum.
  I am from Bangalore/India.I would be relocating to Toulouse by End of May 2018.
  I have two kids ( 7 and 4 years old each).
  Need suggestion on the schooling and housing ( apartment for rent) in Toulouse.
  Can you please let me know:
    a) Schools with English medium ( because my elder kid do not understand french ). How much would be the school fees be?
    b) Websites to look out for rental accommodation ?
    c) If any Indian family / community is available - Pls share the link .

With Best Regards,

See also

Living in Toulouse: the expat guideSchool recommendation ToulouseMoving to Toulouse and in search of Kindergarten!Teaching in ToulouseNew in the city

Hi S.Ram,

Welcome to the forum.

I have found this website, maybe it will be useful to you : … -education

For accommodation, have a look at the websites mentioned at the bottom of the Accommodation in Toulouse article, you may also drop an advert in the Housing in Toulouse section.

All the best


Your children are still very young. They are very adaptable thus they will find picking up French very easy. International schools are private and not funded by the state, so can be very expensive.


Thank you Bhavana for sharing the links regarding schools and accomodation.

I would be there for a period of 1 - 1.5 years ( onsite opportunity) ..Checked on the bilingual schools as the private schools ( english medium ) seems to be very expensive.

1. Can you pls suggest me the area to look out for rental ( where you see indian community / english /hindi speaking people ) -> as while relocating , if people around are aware of similar language - initial settling down would be helpful. Pls suggest.

2.Schools - are bilingual schools ok for kids who are aware of ony english and not french ?

Sorry to bother you with queries ..

With Best Regards,


Thank you Sim for your reply . I am also checking on the bilingual schools as well  ( as you suggested private are very expensive )

With Best Regards,


Hello S.Ram,

Bilingual schools are fine, but they are not free of charge i guess. Since you are in Toulouse for 1- 1.5 years, your children will be able to keep up with English and grasp a bit of French as well.

"( where you see indian community / english /hindi speaking people )" i am not in France but i doubt you will find an indian/english speaking community. They will probably be scattered somewhere around town. Have a look at the website i mentioned above, they have a fb page maybe you can ask them.

All the best,

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