
Looking for friends

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Hey all :)

I am a Swiss-French citizen living in Budapest until the end of September and would love to meet new people... The weather is getting nicer every day, and it would be so much more interesting to go out rather than staying at home all the time.
I speak German, French and English as well as some Spanish.

Write me if you're interested - see you!

See also

Living in Budapest: the expat guideLooking Filipino people here in BudapestExpat social gatheringsactivities for Muslim girls in BudapestSomeone from South/ Central America

Hi Kiruna!

I am from Paris and in Budapest since few days, and up to make new meetings too.
Add me to your contact if you wanna get together somedays, I ll be starting work on monday but will have lot of freetime.

C ya


Hi there Kiruna and Gotman,
I arrived to th city 3 month ago and after the hard winter looking forward too know new people. We could meet, yeeeeah, sorry but I can´t speak french, but spanish, english or german could work :)
Let me know if you make any plan.
If not, having a beer this week would be great!
Au revoir!


Hello ppl...

Im here in budapest since an year... and im looking forward to have new friends... :)

Lets plan for an evening :)



Hi; Kiruna. I' m Portuguese and also living in Budapest for 3 weeks now (will stay for a year). Nice to meet you. I' m also looking for new friends, altough I already now 2 or 3 people here. Good to have in town.


Okay guys! Would be great to hit the city all together! Well, as I guess we re all working here, maybe we could plan smg over the weekend?


Hey, it's nice to see new people here! Welcome all and enjoy! And we definitely should meet, unfortunately I am flying away this weekend, but we can meet during evenings:) Should plan expat movie night - 2 also. Cheers, Max


I would agree with a movie night. I' m also out of Budapest this weekend.


Well, its been one week Im here and I havent been out once since, so this weekend I ll definitely go grab few soproni pints! Anyone who's up for it, feel welcome to contact me ;)

Francois le Francais

I'm in for some Soproni pints this week end!

Francois le Francais

Well, just if some ppl are reading this forum...
There will be a stuff tonight (like drinking :D). So who may be interested could contact me or Gotman.
See ya


Hi, were will it be?


Hi Kiruna. There are several expat gatherings in Budapest. Next one is Internations, tomorrow at Paris Bar on Roosevelt Ter, from 6- PM. A somewhat more formal crowd, business networking, but still a good start. Next week there will be a gathering of the International Networking group at the newly-opened The Dog's Bollix Irish pub at Szechenyi u. 14 - check Facebook. Hope to see you and any other of your new Budapest friends at these events.

Gary Lukatch


Hi all

I'm also up for a meet up.

How about this Friday night (April 29th, 2011) at 8:30pm? Anyone know a good location to start? I just arrived this week, so still trying to find my feet and the best places to party.



Welcome on Dan ;)


Friday night is ok for me. But I' m not sure about the place, because I´m new in Budapest also. Anyone has a suggestion?


Hi Yud - thanks mate!

Gary Lukatch: I saw this post of yours online: in it, you say that Liszt Ferenc Tér is the best meeting place. Any cafes that you recommend there for us?



Sounds like a good plan for a meet up. I would love to join but unfortunately I have plans for Friday. Let me know if you arrange any other meet ups. I've been here a year now so maybe I can even help with a few things. Alex


Hi Dan - pretty much any of the restaurants on Liszt Ferenc Ter are great places to meet people. We like Karma and Cafe Vian especially. Also, check out the Caledonia Pub on Mozsar U, just across from Liszt Ferenc Ter at the end of Jokai Ter and take a left - good Scottish pub. Guinness House is another popular place, along with Beckett's and a new Irish restaurant, The Dog's Bollix, where there will be an expat gathering tomorrow, April 26, at 6 PM. Check it on Facebook or online. Irish Cat is also a good place and For Sale Pub across from the Big Market at Fovam ter.


Hi Gary

Thanks for the suggestions.

I found the meet up you mentioned:!/event.php?eid=194087587300829

I hope to see some of you there!



hello to all, did you guys meet eventually on Friday? Kiruna, i really like the idea of gathering some friends.

indeed there are several excellent expat networking events in Budpaest, but a smaller friendlier group would be also a great idea.


Hey Girls and boys!

I'm Sophy, a native hungarian, and if you need some advices about places and things to do here, or want to ask something, just text me. :)

Have fun here!



Thanks, Sophy.


Looking to make a few new friends...let me know if anyone wants to get together this week or weekend...heard there's another festival this weekend... :). Always something going on here...


Hello Adri, Welcome on board ;)

May be you could start a new thread as well for your picnik. (It will be more visible) Do not forget to include a date (and i will stick to the top of the form)



Yud wrote:

Hello Adri, Welcome on board ;)

May be you could start a new thread as well for your picnik. (It will be more visible) Do not forget to include a date (and i will stick to the top of the form)


Yes, the red mud thing is not too relevant anymore :-)


I could be in, let me know if you're still up for it when Sunday comes around.  See everyone doing it, but you can bring a few beers and drink there, right?

Also, if anyone wants, I'll be at the beer festival this weekend (tonight and tomorrow sometime) with a few friends...Just look for the American looking guy with a baseball hat.  From what I've seen, that should be enough to find me.  :)



Regarding alcohol in public:
I'm not sure about the specific laws and local regulations, but as long as you don't share it with a minor (18 years is the age limit), or get drunk and disorderly, no one should care.

Hope you guys will have fun, the weather looks promising!

I googled a bit (I don't do alcohol and the news is all about the new smoking bans): it turns out it's illegal to drink alcohol in public. Weird. Especially while it's legal to produce, consume, buy, sell, advertise in public, show drinking and drunkenness in a positive light on TV and movies (without even bumping the rating!), etc.


Hi Gary,
I am now pretty sure that you were my wife`s teacher before she came to Australia. I will be in Budapest for 3 weeks in August so if you guys are planning a meeting i would be happy to attend.


Excellent! Nothing major planned for awhile. I don;t get back to BP until June 12, but am available for drinks, etc, after that most evenings. Let me know and we can set something up.


hey why don;t we meet up again ??


Hi Kiruna. Check out the Budapest melting Pot, meeting tomorrow, Thursday, Sep 15, at the Zacc cafe on Koztelek u, just off Raday utca in the 9th district,around 6 PM. A good crowd for meeting people.


hi can we keep in touch by Mail


@alqalamji- could you please introduce yourself? Thank you

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