I have been seeing a lot of people saying on other forums that once you get to Mexico with your Temporal or Permanente visa, and go to the INM office in your state within Mexico to do the Canje process, you have to again prove your income for the past few months and proof that it will continue for the future. I have never seen this mentioned on any guide anywhere, so I was wondering if anyone has heard of this before or experienced such a thing. It seems to make no sense to have to prove it once in the US and then again in Mexico. If so, what is the point of the first round of proof giving. Well, that is a rhetorical question.
From everything I've seen, you are suppose to turn in some forms, some photos, pay a fee, and so on, but I never saw anything about proof of income. I thought that was just for the consulates outside of Mexico.
Anyone have any recent INM office experience on this score?
Thanks in advance!
BTW. . . 221 more days to go until I'm there! Finally within sight! 
Hi nikolas4squid, my wife and I just finished that process.
I gave a detailled awnser on another forum today, I will spare the details now.
First, you need an appointment with the local Mexican consulate or embassy, usually they will give it 3 to 4 weeks before your departure (us: July 26th leaving August 26th 2017)
Second, when you arrive in Mexico, fill the FMM with the CANJE box X also your home information in Mexico
Third, got 30 days to go at the INM office in the state you will live in, I here the link to the INM offices https://www.gob.mx/inm/acciones-y-progr … as-del-inm , I think the nearest one to SMA is INM Calzada de la Estacion S/N, Colonia Estacion del ferrlcarril SMA 37769 telephone 52-415-152-8991. Do I search in google of "oficina de migracion en san miguel de allende guanajuato" and you will get the google map information and see the distance to your residence.
Fourth, the attendants usually speak english or at less one of them, you need to go 3 times at INM (1st, register+pictures+copies+pay fess for us less than 90 minutes - 2nd, fingerprints+paperwork+signatures for us less than 30 minutes - 3rd, pick-up the residency cards for us less than 15 minutes) for us first visit August 29th last visit September 12th 2017.
Plus, don't forget travelling time, from our little area La Peñita de Jaltemba to Nuevo Vallarta 75 minutes one way but at the same time got a good meal at a favorite restaurant and some shopping.
We loved our experience.
Buena suerte, GyC.