Exit / Entry Visa - Expired

Hi All,

My wife and daughter are on Iqama and I issued them multiple exit / entry visa.

Here are the facts:

Both Iqamas exprie Feb, 2017
Multiple Exit / Entry Visas expire September 2016.
Both are currently out of the country.

What are the consequences of them not being able to come into KSA before Sep. 2016. We are planning for them to come back in January 2017.

Is there any way to extend the Exit / Entry Visa to January 2017, while they are out of the Country?

if so, exactly how to do that?

Many thanks!

I see two queries in your post.

Consequence of failure to renew and expiring the ERE visa:
3 years ban on entry to KSA.
Read more here: http://www.arabnews.com/news/756686

How to extend:
Check out this thread: https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=588277
(Pls note there are limitations. So, be careful.)

What TLL said ( it's becoming a norm on this blog)

ERE can be extended, but not till your required date unless after the expiry the person couldn't travel due to health reasons. And this needs to be proved to the embassy.

The max anyone I know has got an extension was for 1 month.