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Hello Everyone !!

I was just wondering, are there any teams, not professional, just casual, or any place that play handball ?? Is it a popular sport on Malta ?? I have been looking on Google and I think I found one but more like national team.

I have played handball years years ago but I had a 11 years break :D ( I still remember that the ball is small and you have to pass it to team members so no worries ).

Was just wondering if there are any people around occasionally playing ( renting a hall or something ) as I would love to join and go back to that sport. Unfortunately in the UK it is not a famous sport so I was hoping that maybe Malta would have more opportunities with that !!



See also

Leisure activities in MaltaJiu jitsu classes and gymKayaking in MaltaActivities in Malta : kayaking, sports, and other group activitiesFootball, 5 a side...just for fun

Hi Mike,

There are several clubs in Malta, none are professional but each usually trains twice a week. The men's leagues are fairly competitive although below the level of most of Europe and the UK. You wouldn't have any trouble asking to train with a second division team though, there's a big mix of skill levels. If you're interested I can put you in touch with people, I play for a really great club that would always welcome extra people but let me know where you're located and I'll tell you what's close by!


Thats fantastic !!

I am moving to Gozo end of March so will be looking for a flat there. I will have my own transport so i will be able to travel to Malta as well. Would be great even to just watch people playing to start with as 11 years without playing made me well... a total beginner I guess.

Yeah if you have any contacts and could send me in the right direction that will be great.



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