
Best area to live and find work in Malta?


Which is the best area people recommend to live and find work in Malta, going over soon to check everything out and need a starting place!

Thank you

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in MaltaBuying a property in MaltaAccommodation in GozoAccommodation in Saint Julian's

I recommend Naxxar ( Nashshar, pronounced)!

Its a great starting point, has great little shops, lovely corner coffee house that sells lovely cakes, a Supermarket or three! Petrol garage, hardware store.....also near to Birkikara and main roads to Valetta, Silema etc etc.
Obviously everyone likes or dislikes something about one particular area but for us with the age range's of 16 through 25 to mid 40's! We like it a lot!
Hope this helps!


Ok brilliant thank you!


I highly recommend you spend a day exploring locations in person and make a list of preferences (like access to transit, restaurants, grocery, etc). I wish I would have noticed that we have no restaurants or cafes in our little village, and very limited parking. I also happened upon a few locations that would have been a better fit that I just didn't know about before we signed our lease. I'd also recommend starting with a 6 month lease so you're not stuck for too long if you're not happy.
I've only been here since October, so I'm no expert, but if you give more details about what you're looking for I'm sure you'll get more response.


I second Naxxar! We were looking in lots of different areas: Sliema, Msida, Pieta, Birkirkara, Swatar... We nearly dismissed Naxxar as it is not very close to the water but this changed the minute we passed the beautiful Parish Church in Naxxar, saw Labour Avenue with all its beautiful trees and the cute little cafes with people sitting outside enjoying the sunshine. It really was love at first sight! :)

So my advice is, don't look on Google Maps what area seems close to work (or the water) but go there and check it out. It might completely change your mind like in our case.

The question also is: What do you want? A quiet life? Partying and socialising? Being able to walk to work? Perhaps if you give us more information on your age group, interests and the field where you work that would help us point you in the right areas :)


Naxxar , but this choice was perfect for us, because we have everything here : work/office , school, apartment . Everything on  walking distance for daily needs. But as #blackangelheart said, depends what are your needs, :partying..sea view, school for kids . close to work..etc..


Naxxar is beautiful in parts -San pawl tat targa for example


Best area to live is in Mellieha.