
Australia Cat Import Permit Question

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I would like to import a cat to Australia and actually immediately after that travel to Fiji. My question focuses on Australia though. I am planning to apply for the Australia import permit for a cat. But then there's blank space for importer, and it says this:

Importers must have an Australian address

This came to me as a complete surprise; I hadn't seen this anywhere else. I live in Finland with my cat and my plan was to use a Finnish pet transporter to transport the cat to Australia and I come on a different plane.

I guess my question is, is there any way I could bypass this rule? Also if I can't bypass this rule, then that means I would have to use an Australian pet transporting company and put its information in the blank space?

See also

Living in Australia: the expat guideHas anyone had to import their pets back into Australia?Returning to Australia from USA with PetsAdopting a pet in AustraliaTransport Companies to move a dog to Australia

Bypassing rules in Australia is never a wise idea.

However, your Finnish pet transporter may have links with an Australian one, and might be able to help with this.  I would discuss that with them first.

The pet transporters can often help with the forms etc.


Of course, actually I misspoke. I meant that I would get an exemption from that rule from Australian officials. I wouldn't ever do anything illegal.

But actually I think I'm gonna use an Australian pet transporter altogether and they're gonna fill the form too, so that would solve that problem.


I was able to move my cat to Australia without using a pet transporter. Here are my suggestions.

1. Work with your vet to fill out the paper. My vet filled out most of it and helped me get the necessary government approvals. There really is no reason to use a transporter company to fill out the paperwork, unless you struggle with English.

2. Will you be in Figi longer than the 10 day quarantine period? If so, are you planning a longer quarantine? Quarantine is incredibly tough on cats. When my cat went over the first time, it was for 30 days. She lost 1/3 of her body weight because she refused to eat. She hasn't regained it in 6 years and it impacted her kidneys. I recommend keeping her in quarantine for the shortest period possible. If necessary, you could hire a service in Australia to assist with moving her to a pet hotel until you get back. Surely, you will at least have a hotel booked for your arrival in Australia. Use the address that you are putting on your freight when you move your furniture, clothes, etc. as your permanent address.

3. It is no problem flying on a different plane. When your cat arrives in Melbourne, the agriculture people take control of the cat. You aren't even allowed to visit the cat until it is out of quarantine 10 days later. The last time you see the cat is when you hand it over to the Qantas freight service in Finland.

4. If you need an Australian phone number (and you likely will to save on phone fees for international calls), purchase a Skype unlimited international subscription. It comes with 50% off of an Australian phone number. That way, you can list that number on your documents (and job applications). People are much more trusting of someone who has an Aussie phone number. You can always cancel the subscription once you get your mobile phone over there.

I am working on getting my cat back over to Australia from the USA (we moved back to the USA in 2011) and it is a very streamlined process - nothing to be concerned about.

Good luck!
Monique Littlejohn

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