Finding love in Australia

Updated by Anne-Lise Mty on 03 June, 2023

Dating in Australia is pretty similar to dating in other Western countries. However, Australians do tend to be laid-back, a little bit more informal, and might use coarse language, which may be different from what you are used to, depending on your own home country. As with many places, online dating has become increasingly popular, and many Aussies turn to apps to connect with potential dates and partners.

Australian dating culture

Australian dating culture shares a lot with other Western countries, but there are also some unique differences that reflect the country's egalitarian values and laid-back lifestyle. If you've used apps in other countries where casual dating is the norm, you're unlikely to come across anything earth-shatteringly different. However, Australians are known for being casual, forthright, and sociable – and some of these qualities definitely inform their dating culture.

Australians tend to be friendly and approachable (although this is, of course, a massive generalization – there are introverted Aussies, too!), and dating is often seen as a fun and casual way to meet new people rather than necessarily a serious pursuit for a lifelong partner. Of course, this varies hugely depending on your community and cultural and religious background, but in terms of mainstream dating and hookup culture, this tends to be the approach.

Another key difference in Australian dating culture is the importance of shared interests and hobbies. Australians place a high value on spending time outdoors and enjoying sports, music, and cultural events. This means that dates often involve outdoor activities, such as hiking or going to the beach, or attending events like concerts or festivals. The classic dinner and a movie combo might be seen as a bit boring, especially if you're somewhere with lots of outdoor beauty or outdoor pursuits to indulge in. Of course, if you're based in a metropolitan area, dining out, drinking good coffee, or going out for cocktails is never going to go out of style and big cities like Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Darwin and Perth will have lots of events, shows, and concerts to choose from to make things interesting.

In terms of gender roles, Australian dating culture is generally egalitarian, with both men and women expected to contribute equally to the relationship. This means that it's common for couples to split the bill on dates or take turns planning activities. Same-sex relationships are widely accepted, although queer communities tend to be bigger and more active in larger cities.

The drinking culture in Australia is also something to be aware of. Australians are well-known for being big drinkers (though, of course, this varies from community to community and friend group to friend group), but having a few drinks on a date to loosen up is pretty standard practice for a lot of people. If you're sober or not a big drinker, it might be worthwhile putting that on your dating page so as not to end up in a situation where drinking seems to be expected.

Dating do's and don't in Australia

Dating etiquette in Australia isn't overly complex or different from other Western countries. Being friendly, warm, and interested in your date will get you a long way. But here are a few things to bear in mind when heading out on a date:

  1. Do: Be open-minded and respectful. Australia is a diverse country and people come from a range of religious and cultural backgrounds. Be curious but don't pry and if you're willing to ask about them then be willing to share information about yourself, too.
  2. Do: Plan interesting dates. Australians are outdoorsy and active, so don't feel limited to drinks, dinner, or a movie. Beach picnics, outdoorsy walks, and surf lessons would all be acceptable, too.
  3. Don't: Assume the masculine partner will be paying for the date. This varies hugely from person to person, but in general, Australians are pretty egalitarian in terms of gender roles.
  4. Do: Make an effort with your appearance and grooming. Though Australians are casual in many ways, it's important to look your best and make an effort.
  5. Don't: Talk only about yourself. Remember to ask questions and genuinely listen to the answers.
  6. Don't: Expect anything from a date. If you had a good time, let the other person know you would like to see them again, but never feel like you are owed second or third dates. If the other person isn't feeling it, accept it with grace and move on.
  7. Do: Relax and try and have fun. You don't need to be overly formal on a date. It's not a job interview. Try and have some laughs if you can, and be willing to laugh at yourself, too.

Dating apps in Australia

Some popular dating apps and websites in Australia include:

  • Tinder: The classic location-based app that allows users to swipe through profiles and connect with people who have also expressed interest. It is often used for more casual dating and hookups.
  • Bumble: Similar to Tinder, but with a focus on women making the first move.
  • Hinge: A dating app that matches users based on shared interests and mutual friends.
  • OkCupid: A dating website that uses a detailed questionnaire to match users based on compatibility.
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