
Residency - Transfer of Residence

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Hi all, As I know you guys and girls are a wealth of knowledge and I seem to be in a predicament that I need some help with.

I have attempted to get my E-Residence application in a couple of times but due to me still working for a UK company and being paid in the UK this has been delayed time and time again while waiting for certain Health requirements (Form S1) being sent by my employer in the UK to allow me to apply under Self Sufficiency. Unfortunately because I shipped my car over last month I obviously needed to applly for "Transfer of Residence" for my registration exemption which I submitted last week after the car had already been here for 32 days (Over the maximum length allowed prior to registering).

Now for the issue, because I cant supply the ministry of finance with a "Transfer of residence" date they emailed me and advised me they cannot hear my case for exemption until I provide them a with the official date my residency was transferred (Not the date I arrived and not the date I applied, the date my E-Residency card is issued)

After speaking to the residency people they have advised me that I am looking at a Minimum 3 months if my application has been submitted at the moment as they are totally backlogged and pretty much at Stand Still!!

Now I have a car that I fear I am being fined on (Daily- 30euros per day) and cannot legally drive!

Any idea what my best options are now besides paying the registration Tax (750 euros on a car not worth enough to warrant it) and hope I can reclaim later?

If anybody has any contacts here that can offer some advise or help with my dilemma I would greatly appreciate it


See also

Retiring in MaltaTravelling to MaltaEU Citizens e-residency process & Health Care info.Hi New Member - looking for advice on flexibility to and from MaltaPlanning to live and work in Malta through spouse

My friends applied for resident last month got card in two weeks - there isn't that much of a back log


Are you sure that the three months they are talking about is not for the vehicle exemption certificate as that's about how long the application takes.
Once the exemption is applied for they give you a notice that allows you to drive it for three months or until its been approved (if sooner).

As Rob said the EID process is now only takes a couple of weeks.



tearnet wrote:

Are you sure that the three months they are talking about is not for the vehicle exemption certificate as that's about how long the application takes.
Once the exemption is applied for they give you a notice that allows you to drive it for three months or until its been approved (if sooner).

As Rob said the EID process is now only takes a couple of weeks.

Also your residency should start when you applied as you are notifying them  that you consider yourself a resident and not the date that you received the EID card.



Thanks all, I spoke to the guy at the Ministry of Finance that presents the Exemption to the Board and when i asked if the date of my application being accepted would be the date they require he said no, the date it is granted!

The 3 months was advised by a guy that assists with residency applications although that is a paid services so maybe he was playing the game a bit. The exemption I have been advised is reasonably quick as it gets reviewed by the Board at the Ministry of Finance and a decision is made reasonably quickly after that . Mine has been currently put on hold until I provide the date of residence they require

This has been the frustrating thing about all of this, one person tells you one thing but if you speak to someone else the next day you get a different answer. I get the feeling they are just amusing themselves seeing me jump through hoops a bit.

I will get my application in for my E-Residence and then get them to put that date as my "Transfer of Residence" for my exemption and get it processed then see what comes back I think



The guy that advised you is covering his back so he doesn't have to rush putting in your application and can justify his fee.
The application process is a matter of handing in the correct forms along with any proof that is required but you would still have to attend to have your photo taken.
Friends of ours went a few days ago and no queuing or waiting,

The exemption takes around three months, I have been their and done it along with  a few others on this forum.
Can't think of any that have been done much quicker as the board only meets so often.



Agreed Terry.. He was clearly playing the game by the sound of it.

How do you get around the rule that they will fine you 30 euros a day if the vehicle is not registered within 30 days of arrival if it takes 3 months for the exemption to be approved? I'm concerned that when I go to register it they will try and fine me as well as not being able to drive the car until its registered now? am I not at risk from the police?

I'm ready to register the car but without the exemption I cant without paying the Reg fee!



When you put in your application for exemption put down the date that you submitted your application for the EID.

Use your passport number on the application form and when you hand it in to TM at Floriana you will be given a receipt that allows you to drive the vehicle on its foreign plates until the application is passed.



Ahhhh. That's the first time anyone has said that!! I have the receipt from TM for my exemption application, is it this receipt that allows me to continue to drive as is?
I would also assume this means I will not be racking up the 30 euro a day fine while they decide on my exemption.. Makes a lot more sense..

Wow, you really do need to know the system. Simple once you've done it but so tricky to find out the info.
I did a lot of research before I moved here and thought I had a good understanding but it seems the info I gathered was lacking vital bits that have caused unnecessary headaches

Thanks for all your help, nothing can beat experience on this lovely island of ours which is why the input from people such as yourselves are so invaluable. Hopefully i will be able to help others in the same position once I have finally successfully circumnavigated my way through this..

Thanks again



Yes the receipt is usually good for three months, can't remember if it actually has an  expiry date but just show it to warden or police if they ask about your plates.
If the exemption is rejected you can (I think ) appeal.

Good luck,


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