Residency through self-sufficiency
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I'm will look to apply for residency in the New Year and obviously there are benefits of doing this through self-sufficiency. I know this has been covered to death but there is still one point that isn't clear to me.
They ask for over 23,000 Euros in savings or 92 a week "income".
Now, I probably won't have the savings but what exactly does "income" mean? It can't be from employment otherwise you'd have residency through employment.
So this "income", can it be from any source as long as they see it going in each week? And if so, how many weeks would they backdate the statements?
Any advice on this would be massively appreciated.
Are you an eu citizen?
You need to show you have regular income , so a pension , a business , rental , etc
The 23,000 is the married rate - it's 14,000 for single person
Also the weekly income differs slightly too
Or you will need to show them savings
If your not an eu citizen then the requirements for economic self sufficiency are different and you can only apply for temporary residence
Yes, I am a UK citizen and will be coming with my wife and two children.
I'm aware the rate goes up with dependents too and this is fine. My only concern was what was meant by "income" if you aren't working.
So if the money is going in each week, I presume they'd need to be satisfied with the source or are they okay as long as they see that amount going in each week?
They will be satisfied as long as they can see your having regular payments and have proof of the income - you will need comprehensive health cover too as I'm guessing from your profile you haven't been living in the U.K. ?
If you have proof of any income then bring that with you - , you would also need bank statement etc
I don't know if they would have any difficulty in terms of the source of such income , I would suggest contacting them if you think that there may be an issue
I came under self sufficiency (UK citizen) I just sent copy bank statements, they just want to see regular income going in. They will go back 6-12 months
I'm pretty sure I had to show €23k as just me ;-)
They go back six months? And will that money have had to have been there for six months?
The "income" is my issue. Some people here in Thailand have it sloshing around from other account (in other names obviously). I just wondered if the source of income had to be more formal.
Hi ,
I'm not quite sure where your problem is ? THe Maltese authorities just want to see that you have the financial resources to pay the way for you and your family without falling back on Maltese public money.
You must have the income to support your family so just show it !
THe amount asked for per week is very low ( equivalent to the social support rate for a Maltese ) but nothing like you will need to support a family in Malta. It is just a sum stated on paper. Show them your income and there will be no problem. Of course the source has to be ' cosher' ! THis is Europe and no country likes money 'sloshing around' -)))
Hello, just a small point I am single and, I do all my banking online and as such do not get bank statements, would they accept my P45 from my RAF pension at current exchange rate well above €14000. I suppose they might be happy looking online, so long as I was present. Thanks
steve951 wrote:Hello, just a small point I am single and, I do all my banking online and as such do not get bank statements, would they accept my P45 from my RAF pension at current exchange rate well above €14000. I suppose they might be happy looking online, so long as I was present. Thanks
When we applied under 'Self Sufficiency', as State Pensioners we did not show bank statements at all, we just showed them the notice from the UK Pensions office stating how much we would be receiving on a weekly basis for the coming year and they were ok with that. We get a similar notice from our private pension providers as well and I would have thought you would have something similar from the RAF which might be ok.
As far as I know they will not accept copy bank statements printed from your computer, they used to but I think it changed earlier this year and bank statements have to be official ones from the bank on it's headed paper. I can't imagine they would even consider looking at your statement on line.
Geebee1978 wrote:You can get online statements. Can't you just print that off? That's what I intend doing.
As far as I know they will not accept copy bank statements printed from your computer, they used to but I think it changed earlier this year and bank statements have to be official ones from the bank on it's headed paper.
My P45, Is my official pension details and states how much I get monthly and yearly, it is an official UK Document. I expect that should be acceptable. I can print them off my laptop, but if I want official statements cost is £25 each, so being Scottish, ouch, bit of a rip off. Thanks for getting back. PS don't get my state pension for a wee while yet.
steve951 wrote:My P45, Is my official pension details and states how much I get monthly and yearly, it is an official UK Document. I expect that should be acceptable. I can print them off my laptop, but if I want official statements cost is £25 each, so being Scottish, ouch, bit of a rip off. Thanks for getting back. PS don't get my state pension for a wee while yet.
It's quite a while since I was employed but when I was a P45 was purely a notice of termination of employment and only showed pay and tax to date from that and previous employment, things must have changed!
My mistake, meant P60. Still recovering from watching Scotland rugby yesterday.....
I bank online and they accepted what I sent them, I can't remember what that was exactly now. You can always order copy bank statements on paper worst case scenario.
Seems a bit backwards to not accept online statements when they used to, when all the banks are trying to get us all to be environmentally friendly and NOT have paper statements.
Mind you wouldn't be the only case I heard of, got caught with this with my currency card when I wanted to change address
socialwhirl wrote:I bank online and they accepted what I sent them, I can't remember what that was exactly now. You can always order copy bank statements on paper worst case scenario.
Seems a bit backwards to not accept online statements when they used to, when all the banks are trying to get us all to be environmentally friendly and NOT have paper statements.![]()
Mind you wouldn't be the only case I heard of, got caught with this with my currency card when I wanted to change address
Posts 38 - 42 in the Sticky - "EU Citizens e-residency process & Health Care info." cover the changes to requirements (Posted by Robw2 and GeorgeinGozo)
They accepted copies of on line statements in May when we applied for residency. Hope this helps.
Cheers Ronvon. I'll try and if they say no, I'll just have to get what they ask for.
Also, someone mentioned "temporary residency" card and this can be obtained by registering as a "job-seeker". Does anyone know of this?
Currently, you have to prove an income of 92 Euros a week for the last 6 months including the present. Alternatively a bank statement showing at least 14,000/24,000 for two.
My brother came over here recently and just produced evidence if his state pension of £176 a week. Apply to the e-residence unit and they will give you a list of current requirements; the form is called the "Economic Self-Sufficiency Application Tips".
Just a thought about copies of online banking statements - they're very easy to fake. Could be the reason why some places do not accept them any more. I've seen people submit "modified" statement printouts without any fear of getting caught. Takes maybe 30 seconds to do the editing and it's impossible to verify authenticity unless they contact your bank and they (bank) read out transactions/balance - which most banks won't do.
It's not a good idea to falsify online banking statements. I'm pretty sure that it's highly illegal, actually.
mantasmo wrote:Just a thought about copies of online banking statements - they're very easy to fake. Could be the reason why some places do not accept them any more. I've seen people submit "modified" statement printouts without any fear of getting caught. Takes maybe 30 seconds to do the editing and it's impossible to verify authenticity unless they contact your bank and they (bank) read out transactions/balance - which most banks won't do.
It's not a good idea to falsify online banking statements. I'm pretty sure that it's highly illegal actually.
When the regulations were changed regarding the authentication of various documents required, it was stated by the authorities that it was because of falsified documents and fraudulent applications.
Hello all,
Long time no post ;-)
I'm totally confused and keep calling authorities but nothing is clear to me yet.
I even got all forms from Malta Enterprise and so on.
Anyway, my case is simple:
1. I am a belgian national, lived in Brussels for all my life and was born there.
2. I have a national valid ID card from Belgium.
3. I signed a one year lease with a landlord from November 1st 2015 as I want to live here
4. I'm a sale consultant and have my clients already (Not Malta Based clients though).
5. I want my legal residency to be where I live, here in Malta (My landlord is fine with this)
6. I want to open a BOV bank account
7. I want to pay my taxes in Malta and be a self employed invoicing his clients from here.
I see two options:
Employed/SelfEmployed Form A
Self Sufficiency Form J
I cannot get a proper answer on how to choose and where to go to make it happen asap...
Has anybody some experience in this situation?
Many thanks for your help.
stephanevan wrote:Hello all,
Long time no post ;-)
I'm totally confused and keep calling authorities but nothing is clear to me yet.
I even got all forms from Malta Enterprise and so on.
Anyway, my case is simple:
1. I am a belgian national, lived in Brussels for all my life and was born there.
2. I have a national valid ID card from Belgium.
3. I signed a one year lease with a landlord from November 1st 2015 as I want to live here
4. I'm a sale consultant and have my clients already (Not Malta Based clients though).
5. I want my legal residency to be where I live, here in Malta (My landlord is fine with this)
6. I want to open a BOV bank account
7. I want to pay my taxes in Malta and be a self employed invoicing his clients from here.
I see two options:
Employed/SelfEmployed Form A
Self Sufficiency Form J
I cannot get a proper answer on how to choose and where to go to make it happen asap...
Has anybody some experience in this situation?
Many thanks for your help.
I assume you have read the 'Sticky' at the top of the page?
That covers the 'where' to apply and the 'how' to apply, it also covers applying for a Tax number. As to which route to choose I would think if you are living in Malta and sending invoices from here then you are working from here, so 'Form A' would be the route to go.
If you have sufficient funds or income without this work you could apply under 'self sufficiency' to start with as it is very simple and then become self employed in due course.
You would also need to look in to health cover as well, particularly for the self sufficiency route, if you become employed /self employed and were paying in to the Social Security fund then you would be covered anyway.
BOV will probably want a letter of reference from your bank in Belgium and if you have gone the self employed route may also want to see accounts. Just call in at one of their branches and see how it goes as every member here has probably had a different experience with banks requirements.
Dear Ray,
Thanks a lot for your prompt reply.
You confirm what I was thinking: self employ make more sense to me indeed.
F0xgl0ve wrote:I assume you have read the 'Sticky' at the top of the page?
That covers the 'where' to apply and the 'how' to apply
Dear Ray,
As a matter of fact, the address where to send or take the Form A isn't in the Wiki.
I'm calling 2590 4800, 2590 4871, 2122 6627, 2122 6628 since 2 days now but I can't get anyone answering.
Do you know where Form A should go?
On this form is says Castille Square but that's the Foreign Affairs Ministry and my local Maltese friends told me it's not where to send the form....
If you click on the link in the sticky link the one you print the forms from it tells you that you need to take them to the Evans building !!!
robpw2 wrote:If you click on the link in the sticky link the one you print the forms from it tells you that you need to take them to the Evans building !!!
Thanks Rob.
Sorry to sound so childish but it wasn't clear to me...
It's also in this question in the first post
When you have all the necessary documents relevant to your type of application originals and copies and photographs required (details on the appropriate application form) you have to attend the ID Card Office at Evans Building, St Elmos Place, Valletta. Applications for Maltese Citizenship and Residence documentation are to be submitted at the said building between. Monday to Thursday from 8.30am till 3.30pm between 1st October to 15th June and between 8.00 am till noon between 16th June and 30th September.
Check opening times though before you go, they may change. Be prepared to queue.
I hope that helps
robpw2 wrote:It's also in this question in the first post
When you have all the necessary documents relevant to your type of application originals and copies and photographs required (details on the appropriate application form) you have to attend the ID Card Office at Evans Building, St Elmos Place, Valletta. Applications for Maltese Citizenship and Residence documentation are to be submitted at the said building between. Monday to Thursday from 8.30am till 3.30pm between 1st October to 15th June and between 8.00 am till noon between 16th June and 30th September.
Check opening times though before you go, they may change. Be prepared to queue.
I hope that helps
It does....I'll queue with a smile long as I don't have to come back the next day :-(
Just a minor point, unless its changed, not everyone as to go in person, some can post. I can't recall if its just UK or all EU.
socialwhirl wrote:Just a minor point, unless its changed, not everyone as to go in person, some can post. I can't recall if its just UK or all EU.
We posted ours but that was when it fist started, going by what has been said by those who have applied recently you now have to have to have your photo taken at the office and so I guess you can no longer apply by post.
Just checked on the website and it states the following:- "Applications, with all the forms and supporting documentation, must be submitted in person."
Just a point for those who have been using the old ID card, this will cease to be valid after the end of the year!
Taken from the same website:-
"Validity of Identity Cards belonging to non-Maltese citizens
The Department would like to inform the public that as per Legal Notice 340 of 2013 – Issue and Validity of Identity Cards (Amendment), the validity of Residence Cards issued before the year 2013, mostly known as ID cards, has been extended until the 31st December 2015.
Permits issued in the old format will no longer be valid as from January 2016."
Hi I m British and I would like to ask :I have the self sufficiency full amount for a married couple for Malta. But I was wondering how many months bank statement I need to provide? As in if I just show a recent original bank statement showing full amount is that ok? Or does it have to show the money has been in the bank for quite a while? A certain amount of months? I’m already on self employment here but I’d like to change it to self sufficiency if possible.
If you already have your EID card via the self employment why would you bother to change it to self sufficient ?
Bzkau1 wrote:Hi I m British and I would like to ask :I have the self sufficiency full amount for a married couple for Malta. But I was wondering how many months bank statement I need to provide? As in if I just show a recent original bank statement showing full amount is that ok? Or does it have to show the money has been in the bank for quite a while? A certain amount of months? I’m already on self employment here but I’d like to change it to self sufficiency if possible.
You have posted on a thread from 2015 having posted the same question on two other threads already. If you do not like the answers you have already had, I suggest you contact the authorities and ask them!
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