
How to get Pakistani Passport for Newborn on Visit Visa in KSA

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I am really in trouble as my baby is born last month in abha Ksa as my Wife on Visit Visa, and the Visa will expire in End of October as already availed 6 months validity. And I have only Birth Certificate From Hospital, not yet from Ahwal ul Madania as it is too far to go abha or khamis from here in shuqaiq, So please please help me how can i get Pakistani Passport so my family can go back Pakistan.



See also

Iqama visa in Saudi ArabiaVisas in Saudi ArabiaQVP processing timePolice Cert Attestation (KSA work visa)KSA Business Visa Cancellation Process

I think if you contact your nearest embassy you are likely to get more reliable answer and help.


Only person who can help you is your Embassy.


Hi Faisal,

No need to worry, you have to go to Pakistan Embassy in Riyadh and request for the temporary passport (one page passport) for the new born baby which will be valid only to travel back to Pakistan. But do make sure to take get the birth certificate of the baby. The embassy will take only two days maximum to issue this document. For more info you may call them in advance to note down what documents you will be required to submitt alongwith your application. What I know is that you will need the following:

1. Passport size photos of the baby , the father and the mother.
2. original birth certificate
3. Iqama copy of the father
4. Original passports of the parents (keep copies as well you might need it)
5. Pakistani ID cards of the parents (originals & copies)

To contact the Embassy:

Embassy of Pakistan Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Diplomatic Quarters P.O.Box. 94007 Riyadh 11693
Ph. 011-4884111 Fax. 011-4887953

Hope this helps you.


Ahem.....50 shades of whatever need cleaning up!




live.ali wrote:

Ahem.....50 shades of whatever need cleaning up!


Dr. Shahzad

Hi, I just applied for the passport of my new born baby here in KSA and want to update you all. The process described in this thread is quite old and some steps are not required now.
Step 1: First of all you need to get the Birth Certificate from Ahwal al Madni
Step 2: Once you get the birth certificate, you can apply online for NICOP for your baby. Procedure is simple and follow the steps on the website: … ity-nicop/
NICOP can be delivered to your doorstep within 2-3 weeks.
Step 3: Once you get the NICOP, you need the following original documents and photocopies:
Passport and ID cards for father and mother, Copies of Iqamas of father and mother, Birth certificate of the baby original and photocopy.
Step 4: Go directly to the embassy of Pakistan in Jeddah or Riyadh (No need for attestation of any of the documents from foreign office or any other place as mentioned in this thread).
Step 5: Provide all the documents and that is it. The passport can be delivered to your door step as well so no need to go for collection of passport if you live far away from the embassy.
In case of any questions, feel free to ask me.


@ Dr.Shahzad :

Thank you for this sharing of information.  :top:



Jazak Allah Dr. Shahzad.


Thanks for sharing the info. can you please also let me know if i have to get the Birth Certificate attested by MOFA?.


Hello which steps are not required now?

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