
looking for information on nursing jobs in Belize

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Just joined the forum. I was looking for information on nursing jobs in Belize. We live in Grass Valley, CA.
Glad to find such great information and truly nice people.


See also

Finding work in BelizeSetting up a business in BelizeGetting a work permit in BelizeTeaching in BelizeI'm curious if I can work in Belize ?

Hello Deb,

Welcome to expat-blog!

A new topic was created from your post on the Belize forum. Hope you will get some information on the nursing job from members of this forum.

Best of luck, ;)


the chance of you getting a work permit here is near zero.  The Govt of Belize does not give work permits to foreigners when the job can be filled by a Belizean.  If you wish to start a corporation with a Belizean and provide nursing services, it may be possible.  Recently I consulted with a local Belizean physician.  He is brilliant!   His fee was $10 bz, which is $5 USA.   There is 10,000 people in our town and 350,000 in the entire country.  I am trying to make the point that  the market for goods and services in Belize it tiny and compensation is low.

We came to Belize from No Cal.   Grass Valley is a beautiful place with good restaurants and a very livable climate.   Belize does not have a thriving economy.   Belize will not be as agreeable......  come visit us in the jewel and decide for yourself.


Mzcallifornia is so right if you were by some quirk to get a work permit would you be happy to working in what most americans consider third world conditions with little modern technology for about $5 to 7us an hour, and that is for senior/long time staff. Belize is a very poor country so please come and visit this beautiful country and spend your vacation dollars to help the economy. Coming to find well paid  employment ( nursing even at those rates is considered a good job to have) that can be filled by the local population will help no one yourself included.


Sounds like a great place to open a home for the elderly and hire help at those prices, people with limited incomes such as 1500 a month in ss could afford to be taken care of. Verses 40 k to 75 k a year in the states. 10 people on ss could afford to build a home and hire enough staff at 7 bucks an hour x24hrs a day help would cost 168 bucks a day x 30 days a month that's 5,040  . You hire two nurses and you've spent 10,080 and still have 4,920 for food for 10 people I figure you could feed for a person for 10 bucks a day or 100 a day for all 10 x 30 days that would 3,000 for food so you still have 1,920 left for utilities Seems like with a little extra money per person it;s doable if its true you can hire nurses for 5 to 7 bucks an hour and you've employed 2 belizians


In my experience and I am speaking only about my family group. We care for our elderly, we don't stick them in a home. A lot have spent their last days with family, not strangers. I have driven through several areas, just to get the feel of the surroundings. I have seen homes falling down, but there were people living in them, some elderly. I'm wondering is a nursing home for expats? Because if I'm mistaken, don't people here care for their families till the end? Just curious.
Someone enlighten me.


Unfortunately not all families take care of their elderly. My point is theirs a lot of baby boomers who only have ss as their retirement and we are going to have to find a way to survive and if Belize nurses only make $5 to $7 an hour this might be a way for both local belizians to help themselves and expats at the same time. I know I won't be able to count on my family to take care of me as sad as that is to admit is just the facts.  I'm trying to figure out a way to take care of myself and help local nurses make a living.


No you are exactly right. Different views in BZ. They do not put family members in Homes as there are none and take care of their elderly until the end. Maybe a Facility for Ex-Pats but would have to be Private on Private land and much red tape. North Americans can't move to BZ thinking it will be just like home...Its not

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