
fuel allowance

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LONDONCHAP  bar----ds, unfortunately i worked all of my life in britain for this kick in the teeth, last winter i used 21 bottles of gas.

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Living in Cyprus: the expat guideProblem with CustomsEHIC cardsExchange UK driving license for CypriotBiometric card application

YES - IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN.... but there is a campaign to stop it though


if i hear anything toon i shall post the blog, i used 18 bottles of gas last year and that was when i was out working, it will be more this year, i won't voice any more opinions on my entitlement they wouldn't be printed..


when we lived in Malta (last 6yrs until july this year) we used on average 20-22 bottle at €20 per bottle over the maltese winter period mid november to early march..... we ve been lucky so far - we havent used any heating at all - so its happy days here in Peyia - except for the bloody dogs barking....


winter fuel payment . .

dont know if this wil work
worth a punt tho

Ive just been posted this via Facebook very interesting may or may not do any good but worth a try:

08 January 2015

British Expats in Cyprus and other countries too.... have been given notice, that as from September 2015, they will no longer be eligible to claim Winter Fuel Payments from the British Government. This has outraged the British Expats in Cyprus and also other British Expats in those other countries affected.

We have been sent a possible loophole in the Statutory Instrument, the piece of legislation that the British Government has used to take away the Winter Fuel Payment.

There is a parliamentary technique which is rarely used to halt the implementation of the Statutory Instrument, otherwise known as a (prayer). It has to be activated within 40 days of the tabling of the Statutory Instrument.

In order to have a chance of overturning the Statutory Instrument, the clerk must receive a large number of submissions, then action may be taken to stop the implementation.

You must send an email to the clerk – Work & Pensions Committee

You may use the following text:

Dear Madam. Please convey the following message immediately to the Committee.

To members of the Select Committee for Work & Pensions

It is urged that a ‘prayer’ an EDM as follows is laid before parliament before the 24th January (40 days after the SI was laid)

Early Day Motion (prayer)

Winter Fuel Payment to British Citizens in EU countries.

The Statutory Instrument 2014 No. 3270 (laid before PARLIAMENT on the 15th December 2014 restricting payment to pensioners residing in countries incorrectly called by the DWP ‘hot’ of the EU should be annulled. After the General Election, the matter may then be appropriately reconsidered by the new Parliament.

1. It discriminates against certain groups of British Citizen pensioners residing in certain States of the EU, some of whom are already in financial difficulties.

2. This SI almost certainly contravenes the UK treaty agreement with the EU on social security co-ordination.

This is a lifeline to stop the British government discriminating against the British Expats in Cyprus. If you wish to keep your Winter Fuel Payment, this may be your last chance, and you must send the email now.

if you want it fight for it...


cheers toon, i shall get that off straight away.


well blow me away.. there is a lot of peopel who dont agree... lol


hi toon, i have sent mine off and will spread the gospel.




MORE FOR YOU  - received form a friend today

Yes, it does snow in Cyprus and yes, it does freeze too!   Photo ©

12 January 2015

European Union treaty and the restriction of the Winter Fuel Payment to certain pensioner residents in the EU.

One of our colleagues has corresponded with the EU and has the following reply.

It is clearly essential that the Statutory Instrument laid by the DWP [2014 No. 3270] is suppressed.

Action to take

Complete a complaint to the EU (link is below) - This will be difficult except for the most informed! I have done it. I have also written (last month) to the EU committee on Social Security co-ordination.

Send another message to the Works & Pension Select committee.

You may use the phrase below or a variation:

"There is increasing evidence that the Statutory Instrument 2014 No. 3270 issued by the DWP infringes treaty agreements between the UK and the EU on the matter of Social Security co-ordination. It would be wise to suppress the SI before it causes embarrassment." or some phrases of your own invention.

The email address to use is  The committee clerk is Mrs. Carol Oxborough.

The European Union reply i received is as follows:-

Thank you for this enquiry.

As you will already know the EU comprises an area in which the free movement of EU nationals is ensured. This freedom of movement is supported by rules which provide for common treatment of social security rights and equal treatment on the provision of social security benefits. These rules are set out in Regulation 883/2004. These rules provide, in outline:

1. That you are subject to the social security legislation of one member state at any time (Article 11).

2. Cash benefits payable under the legislation of one member state should not be reduced on the fact that the recipient is residence in another member state (Article 7).

3. The United Kingdom has, until recently, provided a "Winter Fuel Payment" to UK pensioners resident in the UK only. This was prohibited under EU law (case C-Case C‑503/09, Stewart). The UK appears to have amended the rules in order to provide the benefit to pensioners resident in a number of countries only, ostensibly based on the weather in those countries. The EU rules do not provide for any available justification for this, and this does look, at first sight as though this is unlawful discrimination.

4. We would recommend that you either look to obtaining a political solution through the EU institutions, such as by contacting your local MEP or making a complaint to the European Commission: … int_en.htm

Alternatively, you should consider a legal solution by contacting the DWP in the UK and making a legal challenge. However, this would not be an effective solution until September 2015,when the legislation comes into force.

We hope that this assists,

Your Europe Advice.

British Expats in Cyprus have recently been batterd by freezing temperatures, and there is still snow in the Troodos Mountains. Roads have been blocked due to heavy snowfall, and when they that, ice forms overnight.

The police have warned drivers that snow tyres and chains must be fitted to vehicles to travel to many villages and towns in the Troodos Mountains area.

We cordially invite Mr Ian Duncan Smith and his friends to come and witness the freezing conditions we are experiencing in Cyprus at this time.

SOURCE - … el-payment


cheers toon, ids and co are intent on making it more difficult for the pensioners that live abroad.


they sure are trying to - bit with the right number of people we can at least make it difficult and maybe even stop the rot... and attacks on our EU rights to be treated fairly


6 MPs ALREADY ONSIDE  - you dont have long to do this - so get at your MPs and let them know how you feel about this … -cuts.html


good afternoon toon, thank you very much for that information i shall get a letter off today.


good man and spread the word - its of no personal value to me as i will never ever be entitled to it


why not toon?


too young.....

am not entitled to it now and probably never will be - they've moved the goalposts so many times  - the next move will be the removal of the uk tax allowances this coming tax year or next.. so got to get all my ducks in a row.


well hopefully toon the protests will win the day and when you become eligible you too will be able to claim what is rightfully yours. i think it is disgusting how the government can  even consider withdrawing the fuel allowance from the ex pats. the vast majority of us have worked all of their iives in britain, i worked for 45 years in britain before i came to cyprus. but needless to say toon you know that the less a person  does  for britain the more the system rewards the  person from the money put into the coffers by the working people. i am born and bred in britain, but the britain i see today disgusts me. however, all the best toon and good luck.



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