Best time for job search!

Hello Guys,

I need to know when is the best time for job seekers in Dubai (or UAE in general)?. For example if i am planning to spend a month in the UAE seeking for a job, when do you think I should start my trip?.


Between March and May or Sep to Nov (avoiding Ramadan and Eid holidays).

The reason is that hiring generally picks up in the beginning of the year when budgets are made available for different departments.  Secondly, by March / April, most bonuses / promotions are done and people who were exploring the job market passively as a back up to switch (if they didn't get what they were hoping for) go out.  Secondly, quite a lot of expats who resign or finish contracts, move out of UAE in the summer when schools end leading to opportunities surfacing in the last two quarters of the year (usually around Sep time).

Thank's a lot man. Appreciate your help :)

.what about between january and march ??.

moutazz wrote:

.what about between january and march ??.

It's still job search time BUT a lot of people in existing jobs within UAE are also in the market.... before bonus / promotions time as mentioned earlier. So for people from outside gcc, the competition is much tougher.

There is no best time,its always a same,going by visit visa will take lots of other hidden expenses,if you have somebody to take care of you then its well and good,and take your time in searching a suitable job dont get stuck in bad deals or bad companies which promises a lot but at the end you regret,make everything clear before signing any papers.

Depends what type of job. Skilled? September - February. Unskilled anytime.

.are there jobs for unskilled or graduates ??.

moutazz wrote:

.are there jobs for unskilled or graduates ??.

Of course there are. There are a lot of vacancies available in the unskilled category than for graduates.