
How can I get a Visa for Saudi Arabia from Doha

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1)The company has sent me an invitation from England(business man)I am a teacher and a woman.This was rejected)
2)The next visa invitation was for business again, from England.I was told by the Visa Agency and Saudi Embassy this was incorrect as I am a teacher and not a business person.
3)The next visa sent was for business again and rejected as above.
4)The company has asked me to get a form from the internet(they did not say which one)and send all my original documents to London.
5) I am sure I could have obtained a Work Visit Visa here in Doha with their invitation.Time is running out as we have had Ramadan and Eid.This has been going on since the end of June.I now think I need a Visit Visa so at least I can get into SA.This would be my third Teaching Post in SA. The Agency has told me to go to the Saudi Embassy and the people at the Saudi Embassy have told me to go to the Agency.Please someone help me, what is the correct procedure as I am about to give up hope.I also want to go by road as I have baggage to take with me.

See also

Iqama visa in Saudi ArabiaVisas in Saudi ArabiaQVP processing timePolice Cert Attestation (KSA work visa)KSA Business Visa Cancellation Process

Who in the world is in charge of your visas??? Who are you trying to work for that has an incompetent staff?


rareshine wrote:

Who in the world is in charge of your visas??? Who are you trying to work for that has an incompetent staff?

I would also like to know which company is putting you through this stress


I am going to try and deal with the visa company direct in SA tomorrow, so no 2nd or 3rd person who is giving me half the information. I have stayed in Doha all summer because I thought it would be easy to just go over the border.I have done my research on this and there should be no problem as it is not my first time in Saudi.I now have to pay for certain paperwork again as it runs out after a period of time.Stamps at the Saudi Embassy cost 200 riyals a time and other places to pay at also.I need to have a letter also for a person to drive me there as they are not a blood relative.They have not answered me on that either.In fact whatever I have said has fallen on deaf ears and I keep feeling ill over this.It is like no one is taking any notice.The agent here in Doha (do not speak much English) tried to call the visa guy ( British)in Saudi in Ramadan, admittedly it was at 11pm and he was not happy, so now Eid is over I am trying again.I have to leave my accommodation here very soon as someone else is moving in, so have had a very miserable summer.


It is a relatively new place two years old.I would rather not say at the moment.


Hello missexpat,

Rareshine is right, you are not even supposed to know about the kinds of visas, most expats get a scanned document in Arabic which they printout out and take to Saudi Consulate or the Embassy, they give you some forms to fill and that is it!

It seems what your employer sent you earlier was ' A letter of Invitation' which is the wrong visa since it is only for Owners or Head of marketing/ marketing managers to visit SA to discuss business. The other visa is 'Temporary Work visa' which is useful for upto 3 months and may be extended for another 30+ 30  days.

The above visa is issued for candidates who have still not made up their minds and some negotiations are still not finalised.

If every thing is settled, the best is to go on 'Employment visa'.

Once the formalities are complete,  as an unaccompanied european female, you must not consider travelling from Doha to SA by road, you should come by air and let a transport company take care of your excess baggage.


Thank you for this constructive reply.Is it too late for an employment or temporary work visa now.Maybe the latter is OK.How shall I go about sorting this out.
I also Have cats as well as extra baggage to take.Why can I not go by road, there is an entry point to go from.I have a person from Saudi to collect me.Will a letter from the company be ok for him to do this.Also, I am not sure if they have to be a driver with proper papers to drive strangers (women) Three of us have done this before from Bahrain to Riyadh about three years ago.We had a driver take us to the border then we swapped over to another driver and his vehicle.He drove for a living with his papers, not just a member of the general public. I have docs for the cats but they have expired in Doha now and expires in SA at the end of next week I think.
I understand that I can travel by road if it is not my first time in SA. Please advise me on what you know about this.Regards



The story is unfolding slowly, two cats have come in and  :whistle:

A lady with a lot of ambition and adventurism, Raiders of the lost Arc ?

If some body will take you to the border and a driver will come and receive you at the Saudi border, that sounds okay, the driver will definitely need papers explaining the purpose of his journey, the complete journey must adjourn by the late evening since there is no possibility to stay at a hotel on the way.

If possible, take some photographs on the way and keep us posted. Hats off to you :one


The journey will take about 6-7 hrs probably non-stop.We could stop for a rest. The guy is Saudi, he is a friend of the vets in SA.My worry is that he will need a letter of authorisation.If I need to go by air, he could drive everything there, but I would not like him to arrive with dead cats.If I was travellingI could look after them.


How do I go about getting a temp work visa. Do I need a letter from the company via the Embassy.I need to sort this out ASAP. I only have about a week left.



Your employer will apply for your 'Temporary work Visa' at the Ministry of interior in Saudi Arabia. This is a routine and inexpensive process. All he needs is photocopies of your passport which I believe he already has.

You must not have put all the eggs in one basket, there is nothing to stop you to apply as a 'Native English Speaker' english language teacher's job in Saudi Arabia, there are a lot of sincere ladies ( Rareshine for example) who will guide you too. As you said earlier that you have already worked in SA ,  I do not see any problems. :)


Hello.I have been advised to ask you how I can get myself sorted out with a temporary work visa for Saudi.I have been talking to  riazcdki, he said you might know.I only have about a week left in my accommodation and the papers for my cats expire in a week in SA.I am a teacher and have previously worked in SA for two years.Please can you help.Regards ..


Hello miss,

If you were a male, I would have advised you to arrange a 'temporary work visa' from your own sources and expenses and proceed to Saudi Arabia with your luggage and cats.

But unfortunately, reviewing the present circumstances, I will suggest that it i in your best interest that you should return to England, lend your cats to a caring British family in Doha, and handover your household effects to a land transportation company  for storage.

Once you are home, you could peruse your visa and job hunt with a fresh mind which I ensure will conclude with in 30-60 days!


Hello miss,

If you were a male, I would have advised you to arrange a 'temporary work visa' from your own sources and expenses and proceed to Saudi Arabia with your luggage and cats.

But unfortunately, reviewing the present circumstances, I will suggest that it i in your best interest that you should return to England, lend your cats to a caring British family in Doha, and handover your household effects to a land transportation company  for storage.

Once you are home, you could pursue  your visa and job hunt with a fresh mind which I ensure will conclude with in 30-60 days!


Well all is not lost yet!This is what I am trying to do, but I need my medical docs Attested at the SA Embassy.I need to see if the Hospital can condense the paperwork, otherwise it will cost me 800 riyals just for Embassy stamps  and to get my attested doc from the SE in England, hopefully they might answer the phone as they are not replying to my emails, then it should be cut and dried.Inshallah Bukrah!

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