
Mal practice in Riyadh Clinic

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Dear all... Can anybody advise where I can complaint about a poly clinic in centre of Riyadh??i am a doctor and I am witnessed of malpractice in that clinic ..all cheap and poor quality medicines are there, dental instruments are used without sterilization because there is no autoclave ( machine to sterilize the instruments) so a potential source of spread of Hepatitis and other oxygen mask is used again and again for many patients..and many other things...very sad aspect is that owner is member of ministry of health and he is himself doctor but in a highly non professional and un ethical way , he is running TWO clinics in Riyadh...
I can give full detail of clinic and his owner if anybody advise me where should I inform for proper action.. Thanks

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The health system in Saudi ArabiaPregnancy in Saudi ArabiaEmergencies in Saudi ArabiaHealth care for Expats in Saudi ArabiaMedical Sectors in KSA
mohammed Al-alami

sir ,

thank you for being a good doctor , and worn us from such clinics ,
thankfully , you can call 937 - ministry of health - this free number is for receiving the complaints and reports .

i hope that can help ..

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