
Anyone know a good Masseuse?

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I've been in Riyadh for a month and waiting for my family to arrive :-(...

But being on my own has given me the chance to re-charge my batteries so to speak. I've been looking forward to a good massage for ages, but to my horror the masseuse on the compound is expensive (in my opinion) and utterly crap.

So, does anyone know a good masseuse who can visit compounds?


See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideMarathi in Riyadh , Saudi ArabiaWing TsunPortuguese communityPoker anyone?

If you're looking for a 'happy ending,' I think you'll have to go to Bahrain ;)


Alliecat wrote:

If you're looking for a 'happy ending,' I think you'll have to go to Bahrain ;)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Alliecat, I think just a massage would do. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

If any of you ladies know of a masseur that would give lessons, Jill needs some pointers. She concentrates on the wrong bits.


LOL, I think you've got the wrong impression of me Alliecat!   I just want a massage by someone who knows what they're doing.....I'm just fed up of having a crap 'back rub'!


Welshman please forgive Alliecat, it's just the way she is. Obviously thinks all men think about one thing. Maybe it's just some women have a one track mind, isn't it Alliecat? :joking:

Fidgety Soul

Alliecat wrote:

If you're looking for a 'happy ending,' I think you'll have to go to Bahrain ;)

hehehehe :lol: If u go to Bahrin and get your happy ending the sin will be on "Allie"  :lol::lol::lol:


Maybe it's just some women have a one track mind, isn't it Alliecat?

Living HERE?  You're damned right!! :lol::lol:


the sin will be on "Allie"

huh?  I'm still trying to figure this one out LOL


we may have to report this to the Vatican?


i think its easier to get yourself into some sorta sugarcane juice extracting machine for massage rather than finding a good masseur here


get yourself into some sorta sugarcane juice extracting machine for massage

huh ?!?  :huh:  Another one I'm trying to figure out! lol


shahab.ali wrote:

i think its easier to get yourself into some sorta sugarcane juice extracting machine for massage rather than finding a good masseur here

Nice one shahab :lol: but he is looking for a massEUSE

As for the Welshman..remember you are in Riyadh...we ladies have to face guys serving us in the lingerie department..:mad:

My husband has a secretary....a male:lol::lol::lol:(this is too funny for words or emoticons!!!)
In fact there is not a single woman working in his entire building.

Goodluck in finding a masseuse to rub your back around here :|

@ alliecat
you are putting naughty thoughts into the Welshman's mind suggesting he go to Bahrain for a massage and it will be on your head if he does (Nonz and Musicman are on the right track):P


you are putting naughty thoughts into the Welshman's mind suggesting he go to Bahrain for a massage and it will be on your head if he does (Nonz and Musicman are on the right track)

Loanna, he's WELSH!!  He had naughty thoughts long before I came along! :lol:


That is so original (kinky), death by massage by sugar cane crushing machine. LOL. But what a way to go. :lol::lol::lol:

Fidgety Soul

Well, now here come the serious advice. Have u visited ? I have seen Masseuse ads several times. I m sure u will find one. They would charge u max 200 sr with their own pinoy oils :)


one of the Best professional massage in Riyadh...
check the  kingdom Tower ...Four seasons hotel..

Some pysical therapy centers in riyadh also provide massage



Ask around for a Chinese massage specialist, as well.

I just noticed an ad on my compound's bulletin board for these services.


Alliecat wrote:

If you're looking for a 'happy ending,' I think you'll have to go to Bahrain ;)

looooooooooooooooooooooooool, you need some serious help.


Alliecat wrote:

If you're looking for a 'happy ending,' I think you'll have to go to Bahrain ;)



shahab.ali wrote:

i think its easier to get yourself into some sorta sugarcane juice extracting machine for massage rather than finding a good masseur here

That is so legit. :-)

I've got some contacts but they do a lot of crap. It feels they're pumping out the rhiyals out of you with every rub they make.


Threads like this can get a bit dodgy. Advertising prostitute services is well off the list of acceptable posts.


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