
Two Swiss Tourists murdered in Hurghada

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Two Swiss tourists have been found murdered in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Hurghada, Switzerland's ATS news agency reported Friday.

No immediate details of the crime were available from Swiss authorities, but ATS cited the foreign ministry confirming the deaths of two Swiss citizens in Egypt.

Quoting Egyptian media, ATS said that the Swiss couple had been reported missing a week ago, and had been found dead in a villa, with the building's guard allegedly the prime suspect in the killing. … eport.aspx

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So very sad. Just proves that there are evil people everywhere in the world.



Egyptian police found a murdered Swiss couple buried in the garden of their house in the Red Sea resort town of Hurgada, a security official told AFP Friday.

The official said preliminary investigations revealed the two Swiss citizens, a man and his wife, were killed by the house's guard and two of his friends who wanted to rob the couple.

He did not reveal the identity of the two killed, but said the couple has been living in Hurgada for a while and went missing a week ago.

The corpses were transferred to Hurgada's general hospital. A local official at the hospital told AFP "the two corpses arrived at the morgue in a complete state of putrescence," without giving the identity of the two victims.

Earlier on Friday, the Swiss foreign ministry confirmed the death of two Swiss citizens in Egypt, saying it did not have immediate details on their deaths, according to Switzerland's ATS news agency.

Located on Egypt's eastern coast, the resort city of Hurgada is a prime tourist destination and has been so far spared the turmoil and violence following the popular uprising that toppled longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak in 2011. … ir-ya.aspx


So sad such a crime in hurghada.
People not used to hear such a thing there.
I don't remember the last time crime like that happen in tourist city like Sharm or Hurghada.


look....I  am  sorry.....yes its  very  tragic....but  WHY usual...are they going to make a HUGE fuss in the media about this...just causing more problems for foreigners planning  to go there.
I a British woman...that we have hundreds of terrible crimes against women in England every  do many European countries,,,, often are THEY reported worldwide!  hardly ever! but just becuase its Egypt..they want to blow it all out of proportion and give Egyptian men an even worse reputation!!  I am totally sick of it


Yeah Tracygrant:

you are right. hope it will be much butter than it used to be. (ISA)


Thank  Kareem...i  am  happy  that you see my point


your welcome of course i get it,
specially when I hear in Kiev news how they talk in the news about Egypt.
it is shocking ( how they get such a information )


I do not think that there is a worldwide conspiracy to keep tourists away from Egypt and I must say that from a caring and humanistic point of view,  I am a little disappointed at a couple of the views expressed above. They could be seen as  rather self indulgent and possibly driven by the lack of tourists/business profit due to other events within Egypt at present.

There are dangers in every day life but  I certainly do not think that it is appropriate to bury or suppress news in the hopes of maintaining profit. Murders, deaths of tourists on boats/submarines on the Red Sea, deaths of tourists on the roads caused by lack of vehicle/road maintenance and or poor/reckless driving. People should expect to have free access to all of this information and make an informed choice of where they would like to spend their holiday/retirement and their hard earned cash.

If you live in a small, generally safe community where 95% of the population rely on tourists for their income. It is hardly surprising that when 2 tourists are brutally murdered and buried in their own back garden, that this news is somewhat magnified.

What is sad is that we have got used to it so much elsewhere that it is hardly reported and people have become numb and desensitised  to the killing shown on the daily news. When a persons life is taken, it should be a big thing, everywhere. Not just in Egypt.

This murder from the looks of it, seems to have been possibly motivated by poverty/greed, both are completely man made concepts. It is tragic and morally repugnant that in the 21st century we have people starving and a few hundred miles away someone is utilising the skills of a surgeon for some unnecessary cosmetic surgery. Until we become an enlightened society, this will unfortunately continue to be the case.

Caty in Cairo

Well said, Hurghada! :top:

mahmoud elbeih

so bad.


You said "When a persons life is taken, it should be a big thing, everywhere. Not just in Egypt. ",
And that is exactly true. Let’s not let our hearts harden about the suffering or misfortune of others.‎


i just read your reply to the post above

well said

these were not the only murders here there have been another 3 murders here over the last 2 years, and as it is a small community all 3 were good friends of mine

thanks for your post - people need to be aware so they can be more careful - desperate people do desperate things

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