
Transportation in El Rehab City

Written bynmartinon 01 June 2012

Transportation can seem limited when you live out in Rehab City. Here are a few things I figured out.

Taxis in El Rehab:
It is difficult to hail a taxi in Rehab since there are very few taxis. Drivers who know the area best tend to be use their personal cars as independent drivers. Therefore, the best thing to do is collect cell phone numbers of a few drivers and call ahead when you need a ride. Rides generally cost about 5 pounds anywhere in Rehab.

For rides outside of Rehab, the cheapest way is to call City Cab. Their call center has English speakers. Plus they use meters, so you don't need to barter over prices. As a bonus they have seat belts and air conditioning! The downside of using them is that you can't just hail one in Rehab and it takes them a while to drive out of the city. It is best to call a few hours ahead and make a reservation. Their number is: 16516

El Rehab Buses.
The bus system in Rehab is cheap (less than 3 pounds) and the buses are clean. However, buses schedules and their routes seems sometimes confusing. What I basically understand is that there are 5 different routes that all eventually end up at bus terminal Gate 13. Depending on where you need to go, you might have to transfer buses. There is also a bus from Rehab to Heliopolis that goes near the City Stars Mall. You can catch this bus at the bus terminal at Gate 13.

We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.


  • Enginer884
    Enginer88410 years ago(Modified)
    Hello everybody. Who among us used bus to go from rehab to alexandria
  • mebryant1
    mebryant110 years ago(Modified)
    Super helpful as I am moving to Rehab this fall- thanks!
  • meems74
    meems7412 years ago(Modified)
    the internal (small buses) are 50 piasters and the buses that go outside rehab are 2.50 LE for residents. they do go through Helipolis and Nasr City. The buses leave every 20 minutes, which is 3 times an hour. they are very convenient and inexpensive compared to the internal taxis. Yes, there are 5 buses and each has a route. One goes to Mall 1 and Souk(bus #1), another to Mall 2(bus number 3), another to Gate 6(no number bus), another through groups 90(bus #5) and above and I'm not where bus #4.
  • Soliter
    Soliter12 years ago(Modified)
    Buses in Rehab cost 1 le now. Outside rehab about 3 le. main bus stop is by gate 13 for small internal buses and large out of rehab buses, they have two main destinations. One is Nasr City main road. And second is Heliopolis until underground station saray el Kobba. buses are available until midnight.
  • jveeds
    jveeds13 years ago(Modified)
    The local El Rehab (in-city) bus costs 50 piastres (1/2 Egyptian pound), collected by a gent en route who will give you a small paper receipt. As the author points out, cabs are not plentiful, however they can be had if you get yourself to a major intersection (like the souk) or a gate area. It may take 10-12 minutes (or more) but I've even found a cab at 1am for the airport. Again agreeing with the author, the safest bet especially if you're on a deadline is to call ahead to a trusted cabbie -- and then add 15 minutes since he will undoubtedly be late.

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