New in Jeddah and looking for...

Hi All,

I am a new addition to Jeddah. I have been here a couple of weeks and now I am ready to explore! Admittedly, I have not gotten out much, since I have been busy in my new position, but I have been to the local shopping center (Danube) and to a few other local spots, but I am looking for a few specialty items that I am not even sure exist here. If any of you could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.

First I am looking for a place that sells a good selection of fitness supplies. I am looking for whey protein powder, green food, creatine, and vitamins. I realize there is a GNC in one of the malls, but I am hoping there may be other good sources too. Also I would like to purchase a Swiss ball, some dumbbells and a good exercise mat.

Next on the list is a source for good quality produce and meats at a reasonable price. Danube is OK, but the quality and selection is limited and the prices are ridiculous on some items (I realize stuff like celery and berries are imported, but please, there must be better prices available). My experience in other countries is that there are invariable good local markets for produce and the necessities that are far better than the local supermarket chains, is that the case here?

I am also looking for a source for good natural foods and soaps and shampoos. Stuff like psylliam husks (aka ispaghula, isabgol, a fiber source native to India and Pakastan), Dr Bronner's castile soap and the like. Is Aveda here?

And lastly, my trusty Swiss Army knife was stolen from my luggage in New York and I would like to replace it, anyone know where there is a good selection available?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide and I promise I will return the favor to others once I a little more seasoned here.



I realize stuff like celery and berries are imported

Yep, agree about the celery and berries. Also brocolli, which was my fav veggie in the States--had it several times a week and often raw in salads.  Here, however, it's very  expensive and rather sad and pathetic looking haha 

However I find the other fruits/veggies in the supermarket to be very fresh and good value (esp. the EGG PLANT!!!--I've always liked it but now I've become an egg plant junkie!).