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hi to every one . i am looking for some information about how much a cancer operation would cost ..i can give more details ..the man is Egyptian ... no money at all to pay ,but as i am a friend i might be able to pay for the operation ..Please befor anyone says BE CARFULL and dont send money ...i am very much aware of this problem from some egytptian people and all over the world ! this man has been a good friend for 4 years and i know his family also .... the cancer is a big lump on side of his neck an dhas to be removed as soon as possable .... I would be very greatfull if anyone can give me some kind of price for big operation ..thank you
Has your friend or his family contacted any medical schools in his country to see if they would be willing to accept him as a patient for teaching purposes? Many do you know! Generally speaking this is with no cost whatsoever to the patient.
Personally, I think this should be the very first step anyone should take before asking for money from someone outside their immediate family. If you friend has no success then you could consider funding the operation, but I wouldn't advise it before all other options have been explored fully.
William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
Hi and thank you for your answer ...
First i would like to say HE HAS NOT ASKED ME TO PAY FOR OPERATION ...He is in Bali on invitation from a German friend of his. he missed his flight back to Cairo due to being taken into hospital ,his friend extended his visa and re booked a flight back to Cairo but not until the 21 July due to the expense .....
Second ..he has not as yet told his family about the Cancer of the neck he told me he does not want to hurt or worry his kids and sisters ...
I know the family very well and know they have very small money ..i only thought if this operation has to be done which he has been told by Bali Doctors ..i might be able to help not wealthy at all , but i hate the thought if its all about money to help save someones life then i might help ... I will mail my friend and tell him your suggestion ,and thank you once again ... have a nice evening ..
While his motives to keep his family and children from worrying about his situation may seem noble, general opinion is that this kind of withholding of vital information only makes the family suffer that much more should something happen. Expert opinion is that it is really much kinder to everyone concerned to be forthcoming with the truth which allows family members to prepare for the worst, should that come. Can you imagine the heartache and shock they will experience if your friend were to die and to the whole family it were totally unexpected?
As far as the operation is concerned there are a number of options that should be explored before anyone outside the family funds an operation. First was the medical schools as I mentioned, second would be the Public Health System if one exists, then any possible assistance from a local Cancer Society, religious groups often help members of their faith with expenses such as this if they are in financial need and finally the govenment probably has some kind of Social Assistance network that would probably offer some kind of help.
I'm not saying that your friend doesn't need help, nor am I saying the illness is not serious or maybe doesn't even exist.... not by any means. I don't know and couldn't possibly say.
What I am saying is that one should explore all possible means of getting the operation for your friend without just throwing money at the problem, especially if it's money you can't really afford without giving up something you may need. Also there is the consideration that if your friend were to be able to secure the operation through some kind of government, church or hospital assistance he would probably feel a lot less indebted to people around him.
It may not be your friend's case, but generally we are all to quick to cry out for help from others rather than take responsibility for ourselves and just look around us for solutions or help that might be right there under our very noses.
You needn't prove YOUR friendship by giving financial help you can ill afford. A real friend is one who also offers help us to find solutions to our own problems and stands by us through the rough times, is there to offer moral support and will be there to help us financially if everything else fails. A real friend is also one how encourages us to find our own solutions too.
William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
He can't find a return ticket before 21 July? Almost three months? That sounds strange to me! Maybe before that date tickets are somewhat more expensive, but staying in Bali also will have its costs....
There are hospitals in Egypt where an operation doesn't cost that much money and he can also contact his mosque/church for help. Otherwise it is normal in Egypt that family and friends help pay for such things...
BTW if he hasn't that much money, how can he afford to go Bali?
I would take care!
Geely definitely has a point - trips to Bali incur costs and unless he has gone with an empty pocket how!
ALso surely in the case of cancer 2 months is a long time to wait before going home and seeing a doctor - to see what is the coruse of action. Cancer isn't going to stop for 2 months - before strting to spread, etc.
And he obviously thinks alot of his children and family he they have such small money - bt he can manage jaunts to Bali by himself!!
Take care - and keep your money where it should belong in your bank account.
Friends / family - in Egypt usually rally around to pay for such things.
DOn't do anything until you have seen medical reports, etc. etc.
I do hate to be so cynical - but it all does seem a little fishy!
Sorry for the late reply. I was just asking for accurate information about your friends case.
First, I wonna ease it for you, the situation can be solved with a some efforts which he has to do or one of his family members. There are two possible options.
In addition, I also wanna clarify that in all cancer cases the cure will contain the following stages:
1- Stage 1: Surgery to remove the tumor (around 3-4 hrs):
During which a sample is taken first to be analyzed while the patient is left under the impact of anesthesia. This is to know the degree of the cancer.
Then, based on the result, the area which must be removed is determined as well as the dose and the duration of the radiotherapy.
2- Stage 2: radiotherapy treatment (it will be at least 1 month every single day in raw) then repeated if necessary.
3- Stage 3: Follow up.
For the first year after the surgery the patient will be kept under investigation every 3 months and for the second year will be every 6 months and then every single year.
Now let me explain the available options in Egypt for the existing case:
A- Option 1 (without paying for any of the previous stages):
By taking this option it is only a matter of long waiting list, paper work which he can do by himself and if not one of his family members and finally the quality of the service.
1-It is very easy to have this operation at no cost or for a very low cost at all in any Teaching hospital. These hospitals are basically serving the patients with low-income as they use the cases for study or training (as mentioned to you before by (William James Woodward in his post).
Such hospitals are very well known by heart for most of the Egyptians so if he does not know them he can ask. Or use the following list:
a-Demerdash Teaching hospital (Belonges to Ain Shams university) .
Contact info: Tell 02-02-26821098, 02-24834266, 02-26844195.
Address: 56 Ramsis St., Abbasseya, Cairo.
b-Ahmed Maher Teaching hospital. (Web: (
c- Kasr Alainy Teaching Hospital (belongs to Cairo University).
Contact info: Address: Kasr Al Ainy St., Cairo, Egypt, Postal Code: 11562
Tel./Fax: (202)23682030
Faculty Website:
2-Procedure of option 1:
-Each hospital has several clinics for all specializations, and he will meet the specialist directly not a family physician. All the specialists in such hospitals are well experienced and all are faculty members.
-All clinics are walk-through; first come first served, this is why it has long waiting lists. I cannot tell about the estimated time maybe days or months according to the case as well.
-They will have the case investigated and accordingly will be the way or treatment (see the previous stages).
-In these hospitals everything (the surgery scans (MRI-X rays) - the hospital services Radiotherapy) are for free.
-Of course such free service affects the waiting list length and the services quality.
Option 2 (low cost):
-This option only can be done in Ain shams specialized hospital.
Contact info: Address: El Khalifa El Maamoun St. Abbasseya, Cairo, Beside Faculty Of Commerce of Ain Shams University.
Tel: 16096, 02-24024111, 02-24022843, 02-22618189
-Please be advised that it is completely different than that of similar name above (This one is not a teaching hospital). In this one all the academic and administrative staff members are treated, but they have a charity section (treatment with low price).
-By taking this option only the surgery and the hospital services will be paid and with an estimated price of 15000 E.P. which is a very affordable price compared to the case.
-The scans (MRI- x rays) and radiotherapy will be free.
- of course the service with this option is much better.
I hope that the above information is enough and helpful.
All my best wishes for your friend.
Stay safe,
Salam MO2013,
Thanks so very much for your wonderful follow-up information. It's nice to see somebody else who really goes the extra distance to help others as you've done.
William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
Salam wjwoodward,
You are welcome and of coures everybody else as well any time.
Stay safe all,
Hi ..I totaly agree with you on the point about his family and i have asked him to reconcider this and to tell them as soon as possable
He is from egypt and there is no mediacl help unless you pay ,as far as i know
im not sure about any relgious help he could get ect
About me helping with any expence i only crossed my mind If there was no other help available to him ...
I am supporting him all i can
i thank you very much for your input and i will keep you informde if anything you have said comes to light
thank you once again .....
thank you so very much for all the wonderfull infomaition you have given ... i will email it all to him ..
thank you once again every one has been so kind with there info .
first i would like to say friend had a good job in egpyt however there salary is nothing compard to the uk ...
second ..his German friend paid for ticket to Bali who has known him for many many years .reason becuse he was going there to see if he liked bali and there was a job offer opend to him by his friend over there, and unfortuanatly he was take ill and was in hospital when he was to returne to egypt on the 19 aprilland missed his flight his visa ran out on the 22 he had to extend his visa and his friend changed his ticket and becuse of the cost to travel back befor the 21 july was way to expencevehe has to wait untill 21 july .which is not what he wants ..
he had seen doctors in Ciaro who told him it was a small syst on his neck ..he wanted to get a good job in bali if he liked it there, and be able to pay for any mediacl expences when he returned to egypt unfortunalty the lump on his neck got bigger and bigger and it was his friend who insisted he wwent to Bali hospital and then after test he was told it was cancer he had ..big shock and in a strange country and nothing else he could do over there,only wait untill 21 july you think he would still be there if he didnt have to !! not everyone has the funds to pay for another ticket ...
I expect some peopel will be cinical about all this but not all people are BAD .
This man is not wanting money from me or anyone else for that matter.just becuse his family are not rich or middle class it does not mean he is try9ng to scam money from anyone ...
It is I who is making inquireis about mediacale expences NOT him so i suppose you can say im one of these nossy women who want to know every thing and HELP if it was the last resort ..
thank you for you input ..
PS ...after the revalution he worked at his job for half his salary or all the staff had to leave if they did not agree to the company tearms ... He was an accountant ...
After over 6 monthes the company lossed its way ( Bankrupt) and every one had to leave with out any salary at all ...there is no work in cairo being accountant unless your a younger man they can get away with less salary ... He is not a giggalow he is honest hard working man ... and he is 47 ..not a young man ...sorry this is for the cinics out there ... dont judge anyone unless you know every thing .
His cost now are met my his friend who invited him over there is not his fault that he is stuck thousands of miles away from cairo.
It seems the doctor in Cairo had missed something whith this lump on his neck ..he would never have gone to Bali if he had been told it was cancer ...
HE WAS TRYNG TO BETTER HIMSELF not free load from anyone ..
I dont expect anyone to know how he is feeling at the momment but as his friend i will 100% supposrt him ...I know him and i know he is not free loading ... Let try and put are self in this posision !! I would hate it ... what about you !
If he is muslim, maybe he can try and ask in a mosque in Bali? A second opinion would be good also. I don't know what tests have been done to determine if it is cancer or not.
Yes he is muslim ... i will pass on you info to him .. all i know he has visited many diferent hospitals in bali and they have done some kind of test im not sure what ! .. they haave told him he has to have op ..thats all i know ..i am trying ti find out all i can to pass it on to him ,he might already know himself ..he has only known for just over 1 week and is trying to get it round his head ,and bing in bali is not good for him whithout his family who he has not told yet ... hope to god he does real soon ...thank you for your input .
What a nice friend you are.. If there were more people like you.. wouldn't the world be a much nice place to live.
I hope all works out for your friend.. he is very lucky to have you.
Take care x
Thank you sandrasmith ..I would help anyone who is or maybe in dificulty in a diferent counrty to there own ..i am only trying to find out all his opption and infomation for him .. I know what its like to be in a strange country and end up in hospital happend to me in Greece many years ago ..
Thank you once again for your kind word's ...
You are welcome.. I too am a kind and helpful person. but not stupid.. I would like to think all the times i have been kind to people they would do the same for me.
Take Care.
Hi momoforeva,
Did not get you?
Re - Cap on my friend in Bali ..
He his now taking some chemo medication for one month $800 for this medication Bali price.. He will returne to Cairo on the 21 July and hopefully get the operation he needs 18000 egyption pound around £1.800 ..He has told his brother-in-law about the cancer and asked him to sell the taxi he owns ( my friends taxi)in cairo to pay for the operation..he is not feeling very well at the momnet ans seems as though he is giving up all hope of a good recovery but i will continue to pry for him ..
Hello elimay, I am pleased that your friend finally made contact with you.
It is good that he is getting treatment, this kind of illness cannot go untreated for too long.. we all know the consequences of ignoring this type of illness.
I feel so sad for him that he has to sell his taxi ( Business ) for the operation. Still, a small price to pay for something as important as our health. God will find a way!!
Tell him not to give up.. I'm sure he has a lot to live for.. life is precious.
I wish him and of course yourself lots of good luck and best wishes.
Hi elimay,
It is really something rear to find somebody how cares about one of his/her friends as you do. Really, I wish that the world be full of persons like you, god bless you .
Meanwhile, I will be praying for your friend. I will ask for him to have the strength and faith that the cure from such sickness is possible and can be back to his family and his normal life.
Take care,
thank you for your kind words had been over 2 weeks befor i managed to talk to him and he sent me some photos of this dame lump on his neck ...not nice at all ..but i will pray for him to get strength and get better ... love and blessings to you xx
MO ..than k you for you words to me it helps me greatly that you and Sandra will pray for him ...
He did know some about your information you sent to me which i forward it on to him ,he asked me to tell you thank you for your concern and good advice and help ...
I say thank you on his behalf and for your prayers and blessings to you x
By the way the cancer is in the Saliva Gland on left hand side of his ear ..and has spred and is 2 milameter from his brain
elimay you don't have to thank me.. It costs nothing to send kind and reassuring words.
I just hope you are gaining strength from the kind people sending you messages.
Perhaps you can research the specific cancer your friend has and hopefully find out what the prognosis is. I hope it is a good one.
I will pray for you and your friend.
Kindest wishes
Sandra x
Hi sandra ..i have reserched this cancer but cant really find a prognosis would be great if anyone knows ..but i suposse it depends on person to person and how far it has spread ..
I have been supporting my ex husband who was told he had bowel cancer last year (july)and he was operated on and just 4 weeks ago finished he 6 month of chemo .. now waiting to find out if the chemo worked if not he has been told he has 1 to 3 years to live ...sometimes life is not fare ...but i keep praying for both my friend and ex husband ... love and blessings x
Awww bless your heart!! I just hope when i move over to Egypt i can find a lovely friend like yourself.. I too have been a carer for most of my life.. always a giver.
Sometimes life doesn't seem fair.. but everything happens for a reason.
kindest wishes
Sandra x
I have been the same always a giver ..i find my strength by praying .. sometimes i think i am sent things to test me .. but thats okay ..i know every thing is for a reason .. sometimes it has been hard to understand why me .but why not me ! ...
I think you and me were cut from the same cloth.. i always wondered why me too! But i also knew i needed to be a stronger person.. so god gave me these challenges.. Tests.
My faith and belief and prayers have also given me the strength and courage required to cope with some very difficult situations.
I finally see a light at the end of a what has seemed a very long tunnel.
Yes why not us!!!
elimay wrote:MO ..than k you for you words to me it helps me greatly that you and Sandra will pray for him ...
He did know some about your information you sent to me which i forward it on to him ,he asked me to tell you thank you for your concern and good advice and help ...
I say thank you on his behalf and for your prayers and blessings to you x
By the way the cancer is in the Saliva Gland on left hand side of his ear ..and has spred and is 2 milameter from his brain
There is no need to thank me, it is the only small thing which I can do for your friend right now. I am really glad that i could be somehow supportive.
Hope everything will be fine soon.
up date on my friend in Bali ...I am sorry I miss informed you when I said the cancer is 2 mil away from his brain is 6 mil and been told when it reaches his brain he will be gone within a month .... anyhow its all in gods hands now. he cant eat most days and finds it hard to breath or even talk ... I pray every day for a miracle to happen and when he returns to Cairo his family will be able to find the money for the operation ..if its not to late ..21 July is a long time away ... may god bless you all ..
Hi elimay. Thank you for updating us on your friends illness.
It is such a sad set of circumstances, your friend being so ill.. and possibly terminal by the sound of things, being separated from his family. I can't imagine how he or his family must be feeling at this dreadful and sad time.
I also feel for you elimay. I pray for you, your friend and his family.
Be strong and take care.
It is all very sad Sandra ,and he has not yet told his family , I ask him to reconsider but he is adamant he will not say anything until he gets back to Cairo.. if he gets back there !
I have said to him his family cant just be told by embassy in Bali that he has passed away if it happens there !!! but he is still keeping it all to himself ,so there is nothing I can do ,I pray a mirical will happen ...
I can only bee there for him when he needs to talk on whatsapp a free text service for all over the world if you have a smart phone ...he has to wait to be able to use his friends phone ,its so dame hard some times ...but we can live in hope ... thank you for your prayer's and thoughts ... god bless you ..Eli ..
Hi elimay, I can't believe his family don't know of his illness!
God forbid anything happens before he goes back home.
What a shock it would be for them.
I suppose he thinks it unwise to worry them uneccesarily thinking he will be home come the end of July, i hope for his family's sake his illness allows that.
Take care,
Sandra xx
Sandra ,I am in the same frame of mind as you are ! He told me he does not want to hurt them or worry them ,
As I have told him he will hurt them more by not telling them, and not good for them to hear by Indonesian embassy, I have told him his family may also be able maybe able to find the money for operation in Bali ...But he wont listen to me at all.
I do know he is in contact with his brother in law only for information if his Taxi has been sold or not ! the last he told me was an offer of £1.800 English not sure how much this is in Egyptian money , he told me this would not be enough to cover medical expense's in Bali or Cairo with after care ,he refused this amount as he said it is worth more than this ,and he not having a job now how would he live.
Its all such a worry ,but I know I cant change anything only pray for him and his kids and family ...
Take care wishes for you Eli x
Hello elimay,
Thank you for updating us on your friend's case.
I agree with you and Sandra that he has to reconsider telling his family about his illness as he might really hurt them specially if they got hear about it from outside.
But as it is his own decision nothing can be done about it. The only thing is to wish and pray for him and his family that everything will be fine soon.
99.99% it is really true that his family dosen't know about his illness. As I am from Egypt I can completely understand how he thinks. Many of Egyptian men they think in similar way, they usually keep problems/difficulties of life/living for them selves and do not share such problems with parteners/spouses.
They think by doing this that they protect/save them from worries or suffering of such situations. Although it is not healthy or right way of thinking.
don't worry about the money for the medical expenses as I think the money of selling his taxi will be enough to cover all medical expense's in Cairo (£1.800 = around 20000 Egyptian pounds). But he has to follow the information i provided before.
In my opinion, the only thing matters now is time which I hope to be at his side. I hope that he can arrive at the right time and not late. For the timebeing nothing to be done other than waiting for 21 July.
God bless you all.
Take care.
Mo ,You have no idea how much you have helped me understand how an Egyptian man thinks. I have abetter understanding now ,however I think its a crazy way of thinking but as I have said I cant change his mind ... quote on what you said below ..
99.99% it is really true that his family dosen't know about his illness. As I am from Egypt I can completely understand how he thinks. Many of Egyptian men they think in similar way, they usually keep problems/difficulties of life/living for them selves and do not share such problems with parteners/spouses.
They think by doing this that they protect/save them from worries or suffering of such situations. Although it is not healthy or right way of thinking.
I am happy he has shared this bad news with me however he did tell me to forget all about him at the beginning as he said he cant see any hope at all ...I would never turn my back on him now or ever ! Its hard for me as I know my love for him has grown more each passing day ..
I was told about the price which was offered last week for his taxi,I have no idea if he has been able to get more money for it, I know he is worried about his life with out work ect even if he has the operation ... It must be so hard for him being in Bali until the 21 july and around 24 hour flight in front of him ...
I have never wanted time to pass so quick as I do right now and for the 21 july to come fast ..and I pray he will get back to Cairo and get the operation ..I forwarded on all the information you sent and he thank you for it ,he did know some of what you said its in the hands of god ...
thank you Mo for you words and prayer's
god bless you Eli x
Hello again elimay,
Really my words cannot describe "how a good friend you are".
To be honest with you I, personally, didn't believe that there are still somebody who care about his/her friends until I read your posts.
Please don't thank me. You are the one who has to be thanked, because you showed me that there are still some true good people in this world.
I can really get your true feelings/worries and caring about your friend through your words.
Nothing to say but "God bless you".
I hope everything will be fine soon.
Take care,
Hello to my friends on here who have given me support ..
Re My friend in Bali ...
He has now got just 14 days left in Bali ,and thank god he is still there alive ,as you know his wish is to be back in Cairo soon ,21 July his flight out of Bali ... he will arrive in Cairo 23 July god willing ...
He has still not told his family and says he will talk to them all together when he gets there in Cairo ...
He has a guardian angel looking after him Called Wayan a young Balinese man age 29 him and his family have looked after him in many ways ,I thank god for this man who has done so much for my friend ... I am happy to think there are still some nice people in the world .. and I big thank you to you all for your prays and please let still pray my friend will get back to Cairo ..
Peace and love to you all .. x
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