
Search job Norway, need information please people?

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Hello, AI live from Latvia, and need from me search job from Norway, from my is little time from this.
AI am IT specialist
Live now from Latvia
It is heavy to be concentrated on search, to you for me it doing is easier
Have correctly search job and living from good people? :)
Sorry from my bad English.

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Job offers in OsloIf you are young...The labor market in OsloThe work culture in OsloFinding a job in Oslo

I know that you said that English is not your first language but unfortunatley your post doesn't really make much sense.

You should consider running your message written in Latvian through Google Translate. It's not perfect but it might help you out.|en


Es zinu, ka jūs teicāt, ka angļu valoda nav jūsu dzimtā valoda, bet unfortunatley Jūsu sūtījums nav īsti jēgas.

Jums vajadzētu apdomājiet savu ziņu uzrakstīts latviešu valodā, izmantojot Google Translate. Tas nav ideāls, bet tas var jums palīdzēt out.


What links, from my search job, please?


Your message doesnt make any sense in English. Try using Google Translate:|en

Jūsu ziņa doesn't nekādas jēgas angļu valodā. Pamēģiniet izmantot Google Translate:|en


I know Russian language, could you throw off the links to find work and housing, or that one of the two, I now easily

Thank you for your web translator


For work permits and such, you'll want to speak to the UDI ( The UDI should also be able to help you find out who to speak to about housing.

For looking work, you want the NAV (

Darba atļaujas un tādi, jūs vēlaties runāt UDI ( UDI arī varētu jums palīdzēt noskaidrot, kas runāt par dzīvokļiem.

Lai meklētu darbu, vēlaties NAV (

Atcerieties, ka varat ievietot URL, ka tulkotāja ir visā tulkojuma lapu. Jūs pat varat noklikšķināt saites iekšpusē šo lapu, lai redzētu to jātulko. … l=no&tl=lv


paldies, labi davaj?

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