
how difficult is it to find job in Norway for English speakers?


Hi !  I 'm planning to move in Norway, I'm currently working in Scotland as Assistant shop manager and I was wondering , how difficult is it to find job in Norway for English speakers? My English is fluent and I'm starting just now a basic Norwegian language course. Is it possible to work in retail (at least in the beginning) or in other jobs fields with only English language skills?  experience to share? Thanks!

See also

Job offers in OsloThe labor market in OsloThe work culture in OsloFinding a job in OsloWorking in Norway

Its quite difficult because of the competition from other europeans who are fighting for english speaking jobs too.


Thanks for the reply ! Can you share your own experience? Cheers!


I am afraid I can't because I was offered a job before I came to Norway. 

Based on my observation of my friends who came to Norway looking for a job, they looked for at least 3 to 4 years, before finally finding a permanent job.