
Help Needed--Salary Advice

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I have been offered a teaching position in Riyadh. Here are my details:

I have 3 kids (aged 4, 3, 1) and my wife.
My oldest child will be the only one attending school and my wife does not work.

The offer is as follows:

1. 19,266 SAR per month.This includes the base salary, transportation allowance, and housing allowance.

2. Free medical for my family.

3. Education discount for my children. I would only pay around $80.00 per month.

4. Annual airplane tickets for two out of three of my children, myself and wife.

5. Work is from 7:00am to 3:00 am (Saturday to Wednesday).

I would like to know if this is a good offer in Riyadh that allows me to live comfortably and save some money.

Can anyone give me an average price of a 3 bedroom apartment, car, food, electricity, water, internet, phone, tv cable...etc bill???

See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideMarathi in Riyadh , Saudi ArabiaWing TsunPortuguese communityPoker anyone?

I don't mean to be rude specifically to you but this is for everyone, it is such a pet peeve and I wat to help but it drives me nuts - the internet is reletively new and many people managed to work this out on their own prior to blogs and forums. You are lucky that here there is 100's of post with EXACTLY the same question from one person after another on this one site "is this a good salary" "how much does living cost" "is this a good package."

Now of course you want to know of peoples personal experiences and that is why all the posts are available to read. But wheather or not you are offered a good salary and package, if you cannot work that out yourself I think you are being over paid and you should just take it whatever the case may be.


Dear ,

Your are digging too much in last sentence. You have not mentioned your experience and qualification. This will reflect that whether you deserve more???

In general, this amount is sufficient to manage your family with all amenities, i said all amenities including car, flat, utilities bills etc. etc. provided that you don't have to send some amount to your home country.

Tell me if it is helpful.



BUt is you are Canadian national, you can earn much more..... I said much bettter than this.... Rest on you..


LoopyLou87 wrote:

I don't mean to be rude specifically to you but this is for everyone, it is such a pet peeve and I wat to help but it drives me nuts - the internet is reletively new and many people managed to work this out on their own prior to blogs and forums. You are lucky that here there is 100's of post with EXACTLY the same question from one person after another on this one site "is this a good salary" "how much does living cost" "is this a good package."

Now of course you want to know of peoples personal experiences and that is why all the posts are available to read. But wheather or not you are offered a good salary and package, if you cannot work that out yourself I think you are being over paid and you should just take it whatever the case may be.

I second Lou.  And besides, this is SO subjective!!! How far your money goes depends on your standards.  Do you want to live in a nice compound? Are you satisfied with a street apartment? How much you had in mind to save.  Etc. Etc. Etc.


Ditto here.  Impala, YOU need to do the research to find out what things cost based on your lifestyle, needs, and wants, and if that will make or break your budget.  No one knows what your standards are.  No one can make these important decisions but you.


Um guys/girls...talking with people on forums IS doing research about the country.  In every country pay structures are different. In some countries it's easy to find the industry standard ranges for salaries because there are professional organizations that publish the data.
From what I can tell about KSA, there are no organizations that do this.  So all people can do is talk to one another to find out what's reasonable.
The difficult thing with the middle east, is the pay is dependent on the country that you come from.
Yes personal lifestyle is subject, but he shouldn't be criticized for asking for input on a salary package. 

If I got paid what I thought I was worth, I'd be a billionaire :p
But I have to get paid what is reflected in the marketplace.


internationalcanuck wrote:

but he shouldn't be criticized for asking for input on a salary package.

Ahem.  He was criticized for asking a question that's been asked (and answered) 5,862,953 times before on this forum!!!!!!!

Check out my 'rant digression' on the digression thread lol

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