
Why is he using steroids even though I told him he shouldnt???

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Hey everyone,

A friend of mine started using steroids in Riyadh. He is just 21 and goes to the gym almost everyday. His body is fit and he doesnt need to use anything else to look bigger or athletic.

However, he started injecting himself with steroids ignoring my warnings many many times. Now he says *you as friend need to support me, this was my dream and there will be no side effects*

At the end, I gave up asking him, and now I dont even mention that as he is very very stubborn.

Do you know what else I can do to make him aware that what he started using is not going to be good for his health???

See also

The health system in Saudi ArabiaPregnancy in Saudi ArabiaEmergencies in Saudi ArabiaHealth care for Expats in Saudi ArabiaMedical Sectors in KSA

You can provide him with the results of medical research into steroid useaage but that's it.  He won't change until he wants to but at least you know you tried.


You are right Alliecat. I did my best and its now entirely up to him. If anything happens he will have to face the consequences not me. Btw are there gatherings for expats on weekends? Actually I am willing to do that to get to know people from different culture.


I don't know--ask the boys!


Okey dokey :)


Did you say 'Steroids'? Has he gone nuts?

As boys, we do love big muscles. But Lean well-worked-out are much more beautiful.

The big biceps, triceps & chests that you keep seeing commercially did have taken some Proteins and AminoAcids. But that's the limit!

The only good use of steriod I have even seen is with the arthiritis patients. The unlucky folks get their joints constantly damaged because of a metabolic disorder. They do need steriods to keep things going worst from worse.

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