Going out meetup

Hi, im looking to start up a weekly going out meet up..For those into house/tech music who fancy meeting up for a drink and chat and then going on somewhere.

All welcome, only conditions are your easygoing and at least normal - normalish!

Get in touch if interested..if it works could be a great way to meet similar people in the city and enjoy Berlin's nightlife.

Im 26yo guy from the UK, been in Berlin 1 month, normalish.


I'm 22, female from UK and also into techno. Mostly going out to clubs friday and saturday nights but up for meeting up in the week also, let me know when you're thinking.

Hi guys, this sounds like a great idea! Im Octavio from Madrid, I moved here 1 year ago but still would like to discover more of the city and its nightlife! Let me know if this goes ahead, and where to meet :)

Yeah..am interested too.

Great, good to hear from you guys..when is good for everyone..maybe this Fri or Sat? Does anyone know of anything good on this weekend? Here's some things i just found on RA that could be good..

Bouffmyhre at Tresor (Tech)

House/Tech at Suicide Circus

Passionbeat (Electronic) at Loftus Hall

Or Watergate/Berghain/Arena could be good too..Let me know if theres anything you guys have seen or like the look of.. if theres a consensus we'll head there. If not we can just decide on the night..Im easy eitherway just no kaffee burger..

Hey man, i am not free today but can meet up tomorrow. I will PM you now, so you have my telephone no! Octavio

Are you guys going out today?

Hey Akil, yes theres a couple of us going to Tresor..meeting for drinks before at half 12 in the area..I've PM you my number - get in touch if you fancy joining..

Hello to everyone !

I am pretty new in the city and I would be interested in meeting people.If your meetups are still on..Let me know !

Have a great day !

Yesterday we had a small meet up. I would like to go again. May be we can plan one today too.  Anyway Where are you from and What do you do in germany ?

hey i am planning to go to berghain tonight - anyone interested?

I would like to join...but I heard getting in there is tough. Is there any dresscode?

i actually am thinking of going early in am

at what time ? may be i can check with couple of friends tooo...have you been there before???

ok...if possible i will join too...but how will  i recognize you?

Ok..cyaa later.

Hello I would be interested in going too !!! To Akil my name is Ingrid and I have in Berlin for a week for my job and planning to stay a while.

Hsenna....is planning to go at 6am.....when wojuld you like to join ????

Hey 6 am is a bit late or early for me. I will be later at king size bar

At what time will you be there?

Hey...am going out to see berlin...olympic stadium....have a beer.. The weather is very good. If anyone is interested let me know.

Hi Guys, this still going? Just arrived in Berlin and looking to meet people to go out with - if anyone fancies a drink later get in touch!

Hey man, sorry just seen your message..PM your number and we'll sort something this week..

Hey, if anyone else fancies joining this week, theres a few good parties at Kater Holzig, Club de Visionaire and on the Badeschiff from Thurs - Sun :)

I'd be down for Kater this saturday!