
Getting married in Qatar for foreigners


Hi all, I need help with getting married in Qatar. I am a female Malaysian and my fiancee is Egyptian but he works in Abu Dhabi. I will be moving to Qatar in May, and we wish to marry there (Doha) due to our problems with logistics, limited annual leaves and documents. Both of us are Muslim and I do understand from the previous posting that we need to go to Sharia Court to get marry. I need to know how and what are the procedures. I do know as Muslim woman, I have to a get a written approval from my male family. Are there any more papers that are required by the Sharia Court?

I really hope someone can help me so I can take the necessary documents before flying to Doha next month. Thanks, Dazrina

See also

Getting married in QatarTraveling to QatarAnyone from POLO here?Qatar medical commission recalls for XRAYOffer letter hmc qatar

Hi Dazrina,

Once you settle in Doha and have your residence permit; your starting point is going to be your embassy. They should advise you on the procedures and what documents you require.

Then you will have to go to Sharia Court along with two witnesses, and a letter from your Father saying that he agrees to you getting married is a must.

You will have to have your ID cards; You may need to check in Doha as to my knowledge both of you must be a Qatari resident to be able to get married in Qatar.

You must also undergo a medical screening prior to getting married.

PS. I have got these information through some friends who have done this process before and hope it helps.

Best Wishes :)


Dear  VidoDido

Many thanks for your help. This is really useful information! Now I really know what to expect. I will call the Malaysian Embassy.

Thanks again and best wishes


By the way, does it mean that if I'm holding a working visa for Qatar while he will be here on his visit visa we cant get married here?

I am still waiting for the Malaysian embassy to getback to me. Thanks!!!


To my knowledge, Both partners wishing to get married in Qatar must have a Qatari Residence Permit stamped on their passports.

I may be wrong, Therefore and for further peace in mind I would suggest if your fiance contact his embassy in Doha and ask whether he can get married in Qatar while on a visit visa status.

Hope all goes well with your plans; and will appreciate it once everything sorted out and you both got married to share your experience with us as it may help other people intending to go through the same process.

Good Luck and All the Best :)

Mrs Ouanassi

I'am a Filipina and Married a Tunisian man last month and both Muslims ( I converted). For us to be sure not to waste time, we went to Shariah Court and they asked us to provide the ff:
1. Resident ID for both of us  (must be resident of Qatar)
2. Pre- marital Medical Screening
3. My Certificate of No marriage, Authenticated by my Embassy and stamped by Min. of Interior and Chamber of Commerce
4. Birth certificate, Authenticated by my Embassy and stamped by Min. of Interior and Chamber of Commerce
4. Father's Consent, (If your father is not present, you can authorize (written) the proceeding judge to stand as your guardian)
5. (for those who recently converted a Islamic Certificate must be presented.)
Once all the papers is submitted to the court you need to take a schedule for the Ceremony.

On the day of the wedding, bring at least 2 male witnesses.
It took us 1 month to complete all these documents.

(Please note: that all documents must be translated to Arabic)


Hi Mrs Ouanassi,

Thanks for sharing such valuable information with us.

Regards :)


Just for the records, translation of documents from arabic to english must be done in certified translation places only.

Mrs Ouanassi

happy to Share those info mr. Vidodido...:)
and that's right Mr. mrayes.... :)



Wow, great info from all of you here. Many thanks!

An Congratulations to Mrs. Ouanassi on her recent marriage. I do have one query... here goes:

- the papers required are both for the couple? i.e certificate of no marriage and birth certificate

The reason is he has his divorce certificate and just wondering if that is good enough.

He doesnt reside in Qatar (not yet) but he has been living in Abu Dhabi on his residence permit for almost 10 years now...  We shall see how it goes as we go there next month.

Hope to get feedback from others..Have a wonderful day ahead.


I have a related question. Does the pre-marriage medical exam include a pregnancy test? Thanks :)


my name is Glory male from Nigeria came to Qatar with working permit i want to get married to America lady called Elainer and the marriage is going to be court marriage here in Qatar and she will be coming with visting visa please what are the procedure

Oum Ibrahim7

Similar Question:

I am an American moving to Qatar to marry a Moroccan (who is living and working there with Residency permit).
Will I also need to provide all the above listed items? Will there also be a medical exam? Can anyone tell me in a list what exactly I will need??

I believe I will need a certificate prooving my conversion to Islam, and also a document stating that I am single/ have never been previously married.

Any tips or info on documents I will need to present and where to get them would be EXTREMELY helpful, thank you!

(Ps- my parents will not be coming with me for the wedding, therefore my father cannot be present if this is a requirement...)

Thanks everyone!


Hi Oum Ibrahim7,

Welcome to :)

I suggest you to browse through the different posts on this thread as there are some information which might be helpful.

Since you posted on an old thread, it would be best if you could create a new discussion with all your questions on the Qatar forum.

You may also contact the nearest embassy to have further information.

Our best wishes for your wedding,

Hasnaa Team


hi sister Ouanassi i just want to ask ;

1. i received my birth certificate and cenomar from NSO does it have to be with the red ribbon? Mine doesn't have.
2. also I am currently studying in fanar, since i haven't finish my course they just gave me a photocopy of my Islamic Certificate (not original) they said I can send it together with my other requirements. Is it really possible?
3. and the Pre- marital Medical Screening, how long does it take? how many days before we get the result?

I hope you can answer all my question. I am also a Filipina and my fiance is from Syria. Thank you sister.


Hello im new here in expat-blog.             Hi charmingkizz, i also Filipina i read your message. And i also need help for you because we want getting. Im also converted in muslim. I want to know what is the requirement. Were both working here. I hope you help me.. Thanks


If Groom have resident permit and Bride come here on visit visa. Can both make marriage agreement here?

Heart Collector



So both should need RP or Marriage proof from their country.

Heart Collector

Correct , nothing happens in middle east if you do not have residence visa / RP


Hi Dude,

Dont share fake or unauthenticated information on this social plat from.
I just visit marriage court near alsaad plaza.

Groom may any type of Visit Visa.
She must have Gurdian i:e Father, GrandFather, Brother etc
If Father cant come here so brother can come here on visit visa with Power of Attorney from Father.

For further information any one can wrirte email me at anas.bilalch (at) Hot mail Com



I am a Filipino and married there. However my ex husband got canadian passport and filed a divorce there.
If I will marry again, will the court here acknowledge the divorce paper if I will marry a Muslim guy?
Does anybody know the procedure?
By the way, I am Christian.

Khadija kadeer

I am in a relationship with a Syrian from Qatar..
He has his working permit and residents visa.
I would like to know about religious and legal marriage in Qatar.


Both are Muslims? You have valid visa?


and where would it be


Hows ur married?


On first, U must accept religion Islam then u can marry ...............and u should show your divorce papers.....from your ex-husband


Hi. Good evening. I just want to ask if how to get married in embassy of morroco here in qatar? Me and my partner a moroccan nationality are planning to get married but we dont know how and what is the requirment for me as filipina and for him as a moroccan? I hope for your response.  Thank you.


Hi! About no. 5 , do u really need your father's consent even if ur on the right age and what if ur not yet Muslim and ur about to marry a Muslim guy will this no.5 requirement applicable to me?


Please help me.

I am turkish l will.come to doha to marry witj my pakistane fiancee.
But l cant take  marriage letter from my father.
I am 32 years old and seperated frim my family.
I am lecturer in a universty.
My family do not approve this marriage because he is foreign.
Is there a way to marry without guardiance letter..
Please help
We are muslim so we will marry in sharia court


If l cant take letter father. What should l do. How can l marry without letter ..please help me..


Depending on the law of the foreign country you can travel to another country and go for civil marriage. Expat Qatar G00gle  civil marriage you will find list of countries offering civil marriage.

Sevgiadg wrote:

If l cant take letter father. What should l do. How can l marry without letter ..please help me..


pretty useful thank you:)


Birth  certificate .
Single certificate
Letter from your father or guardian
Genetic scanning rapor
Passport and visa
And maybe 4 pictures


hi dear mrs. oanassy,
good morning,
i'm waheed here from india i'm working as an engineer for a big project in doha qatar i'm a married muslim man and want to marry a filipina who is coming from philippines next month on job visa
my whatsapp number is XXX 7 i need your help to tell my girlfriend what are the required documents to bring from philippines so that we could marry here
what if she don't accept islam ?
still we can marry as a muslim its allowed in islam can you please guide me where can i get married i wanna stay with her legally we both love each other and want to stay together in doha qatar

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Hi guys i'm a married muslim guy working in doha qatar from India wanna marry a filipina who is christian i want to know the procedure how to marry her where to marry her if she doesn't accept islam what are the documents required


Please read Gettiing married in Qatar


Getting married is not a very complicated process in comparison to several other procedures in Qatar. However, it may require few trips to embassies, photocopying, digging out certificates, and the usual passport-sized photographs.

Each country has its own regulations, but you may be required to produce birth certificates and divorce papers, residents permit, passport etc. Also check out about the procedures with your local embassy, as some require 21 days notice about your intention to get married.
General practices for Qatari marriages

A traditional Qatar marriage, during earlier days, was tribal, wherein related families encouraged their offspring to marry cousins or other family relatives, so as to strengthen their tribe. Rarely, they would also be married into another tribe, in order to heal rifts between families. Such marriages were in vogue as families knew the background of the partner.

qatar marriage law

In a typical Qatari marriage, the groom initially discusses all matters, including dowry with the bride's father. As in some Latin countries, young couples are allowed to meet under the watchful eye of a chaperon. When such issues are agreed upon mutually, the actual marriage is performed by a legal or religious representative. The bride is asked if she agrees to the marriage (in the absence of the prospective groom) and the same question is put to the groom too.

After the agreement, the groom shakes hands with his future father-in-law, and the marriage becomes official, in the presence of two witnesses. The wedding celebrations are divided, with women in one section of the house and men in another. Finally, on the last night of celebrations, the couple meet, accompanied by friends and eventually leave on their honeymoon.
Sharia Law

As per Sharia Law, a Muslim man can have up to four wives, provided, he can look after them materially and treats them equally. However, this practice is no longer being followed, as very few are able to afford it, and women are getting more independent and assertive, and refuse to accept such rules. Now, a Muslim woman can insert a clause in the marriage contract, restricting her husband from marrying another woman, for as long as the contract is valid. The wife can also retain her own name after marriage.

Muslim marriages in Qatar are performed at the Sharia Court, located on Al Rayyan Road, near Mannai Ra in the Musheirib area. The Sharia Court here allows marriages of Muslims only. Although marriages between Muslim men and Christian women are permitted by Sharia Courts in other Muslim nations, they are not allowed in Qatar.
You should provide two witnesses for the marriage. Qatari men who wish to marry non-Qatari women should obtain permission from the Marriages Committee.
Qataris are also required to attend a series of pre-marriage counselling and education programs regarding the obligation of marriage and importance of family formation to receive the state-granted Marriage Fund.
For Separation

A married Qatari Muslim man seeking a divorce can do so by just saying ‘I divorce you’ three times to his wife. He can also rescind the divorce, if this was done in the heat of the moment, but, only if the wife also agrees to it. On the other hand, even if the wife has a good reason to seek divorce, she should go to a court for the case to be heard. The husband will have to maintain a divorced wife, and any children from the marriage, if the wife is unable to support herself. He can, however, claim custody of any sons when they are ten years old. A female divorcee returns to her family, and only few remarry.

Muslim and non-Muslim expats can seek divorce through Qatari courts, although the applicable laws may be different. For Muslim expatriates, divorce is governed by Qatari Family Law No.22 of 2006. When using foreign laws, the applicable law in relation to divorce and associated financial disputes would be the law of nationality of the husband at the time of marriage.

Expats can divorce by consent, applying foreign law, and it can be straightforward process taking 4 to 5 months of time. An agreement is drafted that sets out the applicable law, the agreed basis for the divorce and the financial settlement agreed between the separating couple. Such a deal can be negotiated and drafted by lawyers prior to the court application.

Family Law 22 of 2006 are the relevant statutory provisions applied to divorce and family law matters within the Qatari courts.
Expat marriages in Qatar

Although a Muslim woman may not marry a non-Muslim man, unless he converts to Islam, the reverse may not be the case. On the other hand, majority of non-Muslim women are often pressurised into converting their religion. Also, it should be noted that in the event of breakdown of a marriage between a non-Muslim woman and a Muslim man, the children are usually kept by the husband in his home country.

Expatriate workers can usually be married in Qatar, provided, they meet the civil and religious requirements here. The Embassy and consulate staffs also sometimes perform civil marriage ceremonies, when certain requirements are met. Religious ceremonies can be arranged, but, only at churches or similar non-Muslim places of worship. Kindly contact the embassy in your country for more information.
Christian Marriages

Non-Muslim marriages granted official recognition by the State of Qatar, are Christian Marriages, performed in Churches, registered with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by clergy recognized by the Ministry to perform non-Muslim marriages.

For non-Muslims, a Christian wedding may be the only legal way to wed in Qatar. Certain churches, such as those mentioned below, including the Catholic and Anglican Churches are licensed to carry out such weddings, although each have their own rules, and charge a fee to cover costs.

If you decide to get married in the Catholic Church, you will first have to attend preparation courses. An attendance certificate will then be issued for the same. Thereafter, you will have to give three months advance notice to the church for marriage preparations. You will have to produce the following documents:

Your marriage preparation course certificate, copy of your passport and visa, certificate of capacity to marry, your baptismal certificate, your confirmation certificate, and your ‘capacity to marry’ certificate issued by the Catholic Church.

For a Christian marriage in Qatar, you should contact one of the churches in Qatar, to arrange the marriage ceremony.  After the ceremony, a marriage certificate may be issued. You will have to translate this certificate into Arabic, through a translator, recognized by Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QCCI).

Your marriage certificate and the Arabic translation should be registered in the Office of Land Registration and Legalization at the Ministry of Justice, West Bay. The Ministry will stamp the back of marriage certificate with a registration number and keep the copy and Arabic translation for its records.
For more detail, visit the website … and+Family

Here are the contact numbers of some recognized churches in Qatar:

Anglican Church – 4416 5726
Catholic Church - 4490 1907
Greek Orthodox - 4487 2032
Coptic Church - 5584 0395
IDDCC - 4431 9190
Marriage Certificate

After the ceremony, the Marriage Certificate, together with its Arabic translation, should be registered at the Ministry of Justice, behind the City Centre Mall, then the registration be attested at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the church may carry this out for you for a fee. Newly married couples are also advised to get their marriage documents attested at their own embassies also.

Please Note: 

    Living together without marriage is strictly forbidden in Qatar.

    Couples wishing to get married in Qatar are required to undergo a pre-marital medical screening and this is mandatory for all in Qatar. This forms part of the measure introduced by the Supreme Council of Health to combat genetic risk following the marriage.

Source from Qatarday


hello good evening .. what are the things checked on the pre marital medical screening? do they involve pregnancy check also


And is it true that if i'm a muslim man single i can marry a christian  lady who is also single and we are both of different nationalities as long as we get the approval from our embassy. so the question is  i read somewhere that a muslim man and christian lady of different nationalities im kenyan and she's filipino can  we get married at the family court .just a civil marriage?