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hello everyone;

I'm inass from alexandria egypt.I'm 34 married and a mother of three amazing boys 5y 3y and 18months. we just moved to riyadh and while i was killing myself search on the web for things my babies can do after school, i ran to this blog and think it was a bless.

hope we can help each other to a better stay here.

thanks and have a woderful day

See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideMarathi in Riyadh , Saudi ArabiaWing TsunPortuguese communityPoker anyone?


If you have any question, please feel free to ask. Welcome to Riyadh and to the blog :)


i'm looking for karate lessons for my boys 5 and 3 years. it will be amazing if you can help. thanks


There are a plenty of sports centers that offer lessons for kids. You should look for what is in your area. I know of a good one on King Abdulaziz Rd, north of the intersection with King Abdullah Rd.


so appreciate your help,it will be amazing if you could send me a name or a web site...


Welcome to the forum!

Maya Maya

welcome 2 the blog inass :)

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