Medical Aid or Health Care insurance?

Have any of you tried the Bupa (expat health insurance)? If so how is it? We currently have humana (POS)full coverage in the US. What is comparable to a full coverage health insurance there? If you don't mind me asking what insurance do you have. My son and husband both have asthma I noticed that most health insurance won't cover pre existing condition until 12 months.(WOW)What are the best means to compare insurances. What the best way to find comparable healthcare, because I need to calculate what my family currently has in the US.
We currently are researching Discovery Health care insurance. I look forward your responses. And thank you in advance.


Huu, though questions, I do not know much about insurance, but I'll see if I can be a bit helpful.. If you are looking to stay in S.A. for only 1 - 2 years, maybe the best solution would be to get a travel insurance with your existing insurance company. There is a website called that gets and compare insurance quotes, maybe that will help you.
What you must keep in mind is that health care is much cheaper in S.A. than in US.
I hope my reply was at some help.

Good luck :-)

Regards Sarah