Any Friends want to Information about of Nepal Trip?

Namaste and heartly Greetings from  the top of the world, MT. EVEREST & birth place of Lord Buddha, LUMBINI. Iam Tek Thapa . I love to meet people from different places, also love to exchange views with friends, explain them about my surrounding, places, country too. I've started my career tourism  filed  from 1999 A.D. by Trekking company at kathmandu .my Resident Solukhumbu Distric near the Mt.everst . iam doing tourism job right now with private agency.
I am very much close to tourism field, cause my job filed also tourism . I love to be simple & love the nature. It is my great pleasure to share experience, adventure, fun with my friends & happy to provide free information, support them to make nepal trip a big success.
Ok. friend,if you  like to contact always I am ready to share and help you about of Nepal trip.
Tek Thapa

  How do I go about finding a guide/translator?


Hi Aegus,

If you try to pre-arrange this from the States, you will most likely
a) be overpaying 10-fold or more
b) have a very limited choice of people, since 99% of the english speaking guides are not online.

The easy way of arranging a guide / translator is to come to Kathmandu (where you will be landing anyway), settle down in a cozy hotel (which might take 2 or 3 times changing hotels till you find a place which is willing to both give you a good deal and a good room) in the Thamel area (THE tourist conglomeration in Kathmandu) and walk the streets playing the tourist role.

Talk to the people who will be talking to you. There will be dozens trying to get your attention, to take you to a trekking agent, to get you to a souvenir shop, go get you to a hotel, and more and more. Talk to them. Tell them what you are looking for and what you want. That way you will get in touch with someone who can help you, guide you and translate for you. Although you do not really need a translator in Kathmandu or any other Tourist hub in Nepal, since your English will get you almost anywhere.

Don't worry, don't try to pre-arrange, it's very hard to arrange over the internet, and very easy to arrange once you're here.
