
Long Term Parking

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Hello, hoping someone here can share any information on long term parking. I currently own a condo which I rent. The condo only has one parking space so I can't occupy it as it will not be available to renters but I would like to purchase a vehicle and keep in DR for when I spend time there.

Does anyone know of long term covered parking in DR, Punta Cana or Santo Domingo? I would need to leave my vehicle in DR for moths at a time.

See also

Driving in the Dominican RepublicUS airlines and checked luggageBUYING A VEHICLE IN DRWhat is the motorcycle culture in the DR ?Shipping a car to the DR

Welcome to the forums.  I cannot help you but I am sure others will step up.


There is the airport in Santo Domingo; although, the cost may be an issue. I believe some folks here can speak to parking there.....

Papito NL

You could rent the vehicle together with the condo. Both would generate money when you’re not there and the storage problem is solved.


@Papito NL  @mixion

I understand your asking the question.  I've love to have a reliable vehicle that I own be available on the island whenever I land.     I've actually done similar things in the USA, when my military service took me to distant points for a few or more months. 

Speaking more broadly, I've seen this question (Long-Term Parking?) asked several times before...and I've never seen anyone report success in doing so.  Unless you travel back frequently, you'll have to arrange for someone to service and clean the car between renters.  Which means they have to have the keys or fob.  Which means it is quite likely they will do quite a lot of "test driving" themselves to ensure the car is fit and safe to drive (in other words, run it to death, lend or rent to others, etc.)  Any damages done are of course blamed on "that last renter!"

You similarly can't leave it with a "good reliable friend," because every case I've ever read or heard about, ends up with the vehicle being used and run a lot, lent out to buddies, rented out for their own profit without telling you, etc. 

If anyone HAS done this successfully and safely, PLEASE TELL US/ME!!  I'd love to hear it is indeed possible. 

I'd guess your odds would be better leaving it with a full-time expat friend...probably.  But again, I've never heard of anyone successfully doing so.  Has anyone??


  • Make sure your insurance coverage on both the car and condo have adequate limits and protections.  Be sure your coverage on the car permits renting the vehicle out. 
  • As far as what I've looked at in the past for rideshare programs, I checked with 3-4 US insurance companies and they WOULD NOT cover renters and would in fact terminate your personal coverage if they found you were renting out your car.
  • Given wild west nature of the DR, perhaps it would be easier to do...but I'd be extremely nervous.

If you DO rent both car and condo to your occupants -- HAVE COMPLETELY SEPARATE CONTRACTS for car vs. condo. Otherwise, your tenants could have an accident, and they (and the DR locals in the accident) could sue you and end up with BOTH your car and condo.  Foreigners are often seen as very deep pockets that should "share the wealth" with locals, no matter the facts of the case.

  • Or so I've read, at least. 


Papito NL

Valid points Jim. I have the same dilemma, however I already have the ability to garage or park it. And I would not rent it out.

Next thing is immobilizing the vehicle for a longer time, a few measures I am thinking of:

  • remove the battery
  • disconnect a few crucial wires that run the engine or remove corresponding fuses in the fusebox
  • put a car cover over the vehicle
  • take or hide the keys


So separate contracts won't help you if you get sued. If needed they will take the vehicle your condo your bank accounts, everything except what's held in a corporation separately here.

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