Health insurance for a non-citizen after kidney transplantation


I am going for my Master's degree to Germany this coming autumn for a 2-year period, and my husband goes  with me .

My insurance as of an international student is taken care of, paid for and is pretty simple.

But my husband went through a kidney transplantation 2 years ago and needs a monthly bood test and a regular medical checkup. And he is taking medicine on a daily basis to keep the immune system down.

What kind of insurance can we get for him in Germany to be fully covered? Is it possible for a non-citizen after all?

I'd appreciate your advice on this matter.

It is compulsory for all residents in Germany to have German health insurance.

There are two systems: Public and Private. Which one you have to join is complicated and decided by several factors, the most important of which is how you were previously insured (in your home country). You cannot usually choose which one you want to join!

  • The Public scheme is based on social solidarity (with rules set by the authorities), costs a percentage of your income (subject to a minimum of approx. 180€/month and a maximum of approx. 800€/month), covers all dependents (kids and spouse) without own income free of charge, pays for most medically necessary treatments and has no exemptions for pre-existing conditions. There are also subsidized rates for students - but I am not sure if those can add dependents free of charge.
  • The Private scheme is run by for-profit companies, with fees based on your risk profile (with older and less healthy people having to pay more) an the chosen tariff (there are many different levels of coverage to choose from), but independent of income. The insurers can (and usually do) exempt pre-existing conditions from coverage, or add hefty surcharges for them. You also cannot add dependents.

So here is what you should do:

  1. Find out if your own insurance is Public or Private.
  2. If Public, ask them whether you can addyour husband as dependent. If so, do that!
  3. If Private, find out whether your husband can join the Public scheme. If so, do that!
  4. If not, prepare for high fees or an exemption for treatment of his existing illness. This can cost enough to make the whole plan financially inviable. (Sorry!)



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@pbern2 I am sorry to contradict you, but non-EU immigrants are neither entitled to uneployment (Arbeitsamt) not social benefits (Bürgergeld). In fact, they have to show sufficient financial reserves (in a blocked bank account) to self-finance their entire stay - otherwise they get no visa.

It is true that refugees and asylum seekers are exempted from this (and get free health insurance), but this comes with serious disadvantages as compared to having a visa beforehand: They cannot work (at least for the first 3 - 9 months) and have to live in government-assigned housing (refugee homes), which will most likely be far away from the OP (spouse of the insurance seeker and going to study for a Master degree). Asylum seekers can also be deported if their claim to have been repressed in the home country is lacking sufficient proof. (Refugees have it easier, because war does not need proof.)

To claim that "all refugees behave that way" sounds like xenophobic propaganda and is an insult to those fleeing war or repression at home!