
Comprehensive Medical Aid

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i am looking for comprehensive medical aid, similar to my current Discovery Classic Comprehensive. In other words, the whole package, including chronic meds, not just a hospital plan. We are currently in Cape Town and this is a deal breaker for us in terms of moving to Mauritius. Thanks everyone.

See also

The health system in MauritiusRecommended doctors in MauritiusHealth insurance in MauritiusHealth risks in MauritiusMandatory medical examinations for traveling to Mauritius


Hello and welcome

try to order some free quotes to see what our partners have to offer in terms of cover :




Certainly not an expert, but my limited experience suggests that your medical aid will be difficult to replace. My experience would suggest that any private plan will exclude your chronic conditions or if you are diagnosed with a chronic condition, they will cover it for the first year and thereafter call it a chronic condition and then exclude it on renewal. Hopefully, I am wrong. If you find an equivalent package, then I would be very interested. Currently, my thoughts are to either use the public hospitals, there have been some good reports, and just personally fund private hospitals as required.


Contact Ian B*** +**** who represents the Discovery Med Aid clients in Mauritius - we have kept our Discovery Med Aid here as have many others

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