Health insurance

Hello Expats,

I am considering retirement in Bari, Italy.  It is not clear how health care would work.  Are foreign residents eligible for the Italian health care system or do we need to make other arrangements?  What is the cost of health insurance and health care in Italy?

Hello Olsvig2000,

Welcome on board !

Till members shed the light on your queries, I would invite you to read the articles under the Healthcare in Italy section of the Expat Guide. You will hopefully find some useful infos.

All the best


Yes, foreigners can use the Italian healthcare system, but you are expected to buy private insurance for 5 years if you are not working, or you are not a pensioner. After 5 years, (as an EU national) you would have permanent residence and therefore no longer have to pay.  The state run scheme - assicurazione volontaria - runs from Jan to Dec and if you are on a low income is definitely the way to go. The higher your income the less economic it is and you would be better off getting private insurance, about 12-1500 a year.

@Modicasa Thanks for the input.  I will be retired (age 70) in Bari and I am an American citizen.  Would that change matters?