Private health insurance - EU citizen?

Ciao folks,

We're EU citizens in the process of applying for residency.

As we are not working we will need to either have private health insurance or contribute to our ASL voluntarily.  As the ASL runs 1st Jan to 31st Dec and it's based on your last years' income we'd be looking at paying just over 5000 euro and then having to pay that again in Jan. Happy to pay next year for the year but paying 5000 euro for 2 months seems silly.

So, I am looking for recommendations for reasonably priced private health insurance?

On a side note, I found this: … afica-u-e/ but applying the 'if it seems to good to be true' rule I am a little wary. Has anyone heard of or used the WAI?


That looks like a genuine product that a number of Italian university's recommend.

Its certainly a lot cheaper than other private health insurance products.

I'd say go for it!

You need to make sure that it would be acceptable for your comune/ASL.  Can you as them which policies they accept?

Thanks Modicasa. Yep, thinking I might best to check with the comune/ASL first.

And thanks Midnight Rider, I also saw the university recommendations which made me feel better about it.  It would appear it's underwritten by Generali so I might go direct to them and see what their price is.  Having it direct from a known Italian company might be better for the comune.

Please let me know how you get on and the price of any quotes as we're also in the process of seeking a residence permit, good luck

also interested in getting this info!

As some of the replies are not EU citizens, why not start a new post?

Expat Team

Right, quick update.  I have gone with the WAI based on it being associated with Generali.  I will be submitting our documentation to the comune next week and will report back.

@midnight rider I got a series of quotes for standard health insurance from a comparison site for expats and they came in between 2700 euros and 6000 euros for each of us.  I am 44 and my other half is 50.  We're both in good health so feel comfortable taking the risk of only having the minimum cover necessary.  We may yet still pay into the ASL voluntarily in January as we do want to be seen as contributing fully to life here.

thanks for this info.

Thanks for the update, let us know how you get on and good luck!

Hey! I thought it about time for an update.

I now have both my attestazione di regolarità di soggiorno and attestazione di iscrizione anagrafica and it took roughly two weeks. The insurance was a sticky point and there was a bit of back and forth but in the end, it was accepted. The person I was dealing with was really lovely and helpful which helped a lot. My advice, if you were to go down this route would be to confirm with the comune in advance if they will accept the policy.

What were the sticking points with the insurance? i've had trouble finding information about the the specific requirement for the health insurance policy. Thanks.

The issue was with the amount of cover, as the policy had a cap of 75,000 euro.
We also had trouble finding out what the requirements were and the British consulate say 'Your policy will need to be valid across Italy for at least one year and cover all eventualities for you and your family members.' which is suitably vague...

Which company did you use for the policy in the end?

We went with The WAI in the end. The cover is very basic but as discussed earlier in this thread we'll sign up for the voluntary registration with the ASL in the new year so it was just about getting us over the line. I did look at Generali as the WAI's policy is basically just theirs onsold but I was probably being a little lazy as the WAI's website was all in English.

That looks like a genuine product that a number of Italian university's recommend