
Applying for a work visa or other entry permit

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Hi Guys,

Does anyone has idea about the entry permit application process for Netherland. Specially applying for job visa.
please text to me 

See also

Visas for the NetherlandsWorking Remotely for UK based companyCan I work remotely in the Netherlands for a US-based company?Orientation Visa After MastersMVV Deadline Passed
Sachith Krishantha
details plz
Hello qsanura and Sachith Krishantha,

Before starting any visa applications, it is important that you tell us about the type of job that you are looking for and in what field you would like to work.


Yoginee team
تضمين التغريدة I am looking for a production worker job in the field of vegetable production or fruit picking
,,,Thank you,,,
Hello Mohammed,

please drop an advert in the Jobs in the Netherlands section of the website.

The forum shouldn't be used to look for a job.

Thanks in advance,

@qsanura Hi I am Dilka ,I am applying for a job in the Netherlands.  I want to live in the Netherlands with all my family. I and my husband are able to get a job. I kindly request you to support us for that.


@qsanura Hi I am Dilka ,I am applying for a job in the Netherlands. I want to live in the Netherlands with all my family. I and my husband are able to get a job. I kindly request you to support us for that.

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Then you will need to go through what's known as the MVV process (MVV is a temporary joint work and residence permit). The Dutch Government website (IND) has the details; this link will take you straight to it. Please read it all carefully and follow any links it may give you to answer other questions you may not have thought about.

A couple of points for you to consider:

  • You will need to learn Dutch before you get a visa; there is a Dutch Language exam as part of the MVV process.
  • Part of the process is where the Dutch Government assess the probability of you finding work and if that work pays enough to support you and your family; if they decide it's not, you will not get a visa and you will have lost your application fee. So you need recognisable qualifications and experience. If you can find a job before you apply for MVV, then that employer can sponsor you.
  • You will only get a visa for a job that no person currently looking for work in the Netherlands can do; this pretty much applies across the whole of the EU.
  • This Forum is not a job-finding/seeking facility; we do provide a jobs section at the top of this page where you can place your CV should anybody need to employ you.
  • Please watch out and be careful about scammers who will offer you the dream you are seeking for a price, then vanish with your money.

If you have any further specific questions, please come back to us.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team


@Yoginee looking sales &marketing  job.

Extra like a tourisam  and event planning.


Hello everyone,

Message to job seekers, kindly create your CV in the Jobs in the Netherlands section only, please.

You should also read the Living in the Netherlands guide for expats, there are very interesting articles about Work in the Netherlands. 1f60a.svg

Best of luck,

Cheryl team

Articles to help you in your expat project in the Netherlands

All of the Netherlands's guide articles