Residence permit for family reunification

I want to know if I'm able to obtain residence permit for family reunification. I have Belarusian citizenship as well as my wife but she also has residence permit because she studying there. I already know that can obtain a long stay visa for family reunification, but I want to live with her not only just three months but a whole study year.
Yes, you can apply for a residence permit upon arrival with a family reunification visa.

@romaniac and another moment. If I get married to my wife after almost a year when she got a residence permit. Won't that be a problem?

No.  Why should it be a problem?

@romaniac in some articles there is such info that marriage should be before the issue of permis de sedere

@romaniac in some articles there is such info that marriage should be before the issue of permis de sedere

- @Nikita Vasko

If you are not married, you cannot apply for a family reunification visa.  I believe you said you ARE currently married, and she has a resident permit.  If that is correct, you should have no problems, unless IGI discovers something they disagree with.  People holding resident permits are allowed to marry and sponsor family members (spouses, children)'s normal.
I am also trying for family reunification, I received this note when my application was declined: "declaratia sponsorului trebuie data la notar" - what exactly has to be notarized?

@EllieRomania Are you married? if married then there is no need for an invitation letter. If you are not married then your Boyfriend has to go to the notary and make a letter for you. After getting all documents you can apply for a visit visa and then do marriage in Romania.

I am also trying for family reunification, I received this note when my application was declined: "declaratia sponsorului trebuie data la notar" - what exactly has to be notarized?
- @EllieRomania

Most likely item B. of the application requirements:

b. the applicant's authenticated statement, attesting that they will live together with their family members

@EllieRomania Are you married? if married then there is no need for an invitation letter. If you are not married then your Boyfriend has to go to the notary and make a letter for you. After getting all documents you can apply for a visit visa and then do marriage in Romania.

- @Ahmad Yar

She was not asking about a visit visa, nor did she mention an invitation letter or boyfriend.

@Guest3223 I guess you're in Romania now. How was the process? In our case, me and my fiance go to Romanian Embassy and requested for Invitation Letter and it was granted and notarized. Now, I submitted all the required documents for visit visa for Romania and we'll get married in Romania someday! 1f64f.svg

@Guest3223 I guess you're in Romania now. How was the process? In our case, me and my fiance go to Romanian Embassy and requested for Invitation Letter and it was granted and notarized. Now, I submitted all the required documents for visit visa for Romania and we'll get married in Romania someday! 1f64f.svg
-@Dream-Mae Caberte

Dream, Guest3223 is no longer a member on this site.


@Guest3223 I guess you're in Romania now. How was the process? In our case, me and my fiance go to Romanian Embassy and requested for Invitation Letter and it was granted and notarized. Now, I submitted all the required documents for visit visa for Romania and we'll get married in Romania someday! 1f64f.svg
-@Dream-Mae Caberte

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