Public shower in Indonesia

Does Indonesia have public shower?

Toll road rest stops and bus stations commonly have them. I've noticed the odd ones in rural towns as well.

I do not mean some where filthy. Noticed the toll bath area very dirty and full of men.

I looking for places that is comfortable for women, luxury will be a plus. Have hot water.

Nrfh wrote:

I do not mean some where filthy. Noticed the toll bath area very dirty and full of men. .

My experience of the facilities offered to gentlemen about fits what you say. However, I've never seen men anywhere near the ladies' area. As a male, I have not entered so I have no idea of the state of things.

Nrfh wrote:

I looking for places that is comfortable for women, luxury will be a plus. Have hot water.

I'm lost on the comfortable for women part but I've never seen hot water in any public facility.

Fred wrote:
Nrfh wrote:

I do not mean some where filthy. Noticed the toll bath area very dirty and full of men. .

My experience of the facilities offered to gentlemen about fits what you say. However, I've never seen men anywhere near the ladies' area. As a male, I have not entered so I have no idea of the state of things.

Nrfh wrote:

I looking for places that is comfortable for women, luxury will be a plus. Have hot water.

I'm lost on the comfortable for women part but I've never seen hot water in any public facility.

Comfortable for women because women has more courtesy. Hehe..

Thank you for the answer i will sum it up: no there are no public shower in Indonesia.

I have seen and use the one in airport at Garuda Indonesia lounge, they are clean, comfortable. Other than that place i have no seen or use.

Nrfh wrote:

Comfortable for women because women has more courtesy. Hehe..

Thank you for the answer i will sum it up: no there are no public shower in Indonesia.

I have seen and use the one in airport at Garuda Indonesia lounge, they are clean, comfortable. Other than that place i have no seen or use.

Women tend to be fussier
No clean ones with hot water I've seen in over 14 years would be closer.
Never been in the Garuda lounge because I'm a peasant

I can because I have a fancy card but I prefer a snack in KFC


What Mr. Fred said is true, in several locations of train stations, gas stations, etc. You can bathe there, but don't expect warm water or cleanliness.

As far as I know there isn't, all I know is that there are only a few family spas.

But if you want warm water, try joining member at a well-known fitness center (example Fitness First or celebrity fitness). There you can take a bath with fairly clean facilities and warm water is available even if you don't practice fitness.  :D

Ryan_chaniago wrote:

train stations, gas stations

OMG - I forgot upstairs in Gambir train station. They have a capsule hotel and public showers that are VERY clean AND have hot water. I can't remember the price but I remember it was worth it.

As for Pertamina petrol stations, I haven't seen one without public toilets and a shower (many bucket and scoop), but I have seen a few clean ones over time and none that were actually disgusting. However none had hot water.

I used to travel a lot by train on occasion, especially when I was going for a flight, and by car all over Java so I've used a good number of Pertamina washrooms.

Fred wrote:
Ryan_chaniago wrote:

train stations, gas stations

As for Pertamina petrol stations, I haven't seen one without public toilets and a shower (many bucket and scoop), but I have seen a few clean ones over time and none that were actually disgusting. However none had hot water.

I used to travel a lot by train on occasion, especially when I was going for a flight, and by car all over Java so I've used a good number of Pertamina washrooms.

Many online taxi drivers often bathe at gas stations using the bucket and scoop. Or sometimes travelers or people who need a bathroom.

It's true now not all are so dirty, but not all have clean toilets. In some places the cleanliness is not maintained, especially the gas station outside the rest area on the toll road.

BTW, Sorry I forgot something. For ladies better be careful if you guys try to shower in public toilets. Try to find a place that is crowded or has a female janitor. Because there are so many bad people who might peek at you in the shower or even record you in the shower or do some other harassment. Especially for women who come from abroad. Maybe this is not the case in Bali island. But outside Bali will be very uncomfortable for women.

Ryan_chaniago wrote:

BTW, Sorry I forgot something. For ladies better be careful if you guys try to shower in public toilets. Try to find a place that is crowded or has a female janitor. Because there are so many bad people who might peek at you in the shower or even record you in the shower or do some other harassment. Especially for women who come from abroad. Maybe this is not the case in Bali island. But outside Bali will be very uncomfortable for women.

I'm assured hidden cameras in women's toilets are a big thing in Korea but I have yet to hear of a case here. Let's hope it stays that way ..... but there's always one nasty little git somewhere out there.

I'm still a little confused at the idea of men entering ladies' washrooms. It isn't something I've heard of here but I suppose it isn't impossible. However, I suspect there would be a massive scene if a man was found in a ladies - and likely a beating if he was caught.

As for Bali, I don't know, but more of the scum end of tourists tends to mean for scummy behaviour.

I'm assured hidden cameras in women's toilets are a big thing in Korea but I have yet to hear of a case here. Let's hope it stays that way ..... but there's always one nasty little git somewhere out there.

In Indonesia the janitor sneakly put camera inside the women bathroom, or they just simply hold the camera through window or key hole or under the door. Holding it until the person done and come out from the bath room.

I have read the case, it happened in office area in Jakarta, not some where rural.

~I'm still a little confused at the idea of men entering ladies' washrooms. It isn't something I've heard of here but I suppose it isn't impossible. However, I suspect there would be a massive scene if a man was found in a ladies - and likely a beating if he was caught.~

I think that is why women suppose choose some where have females janitor and there are some other visitors. And also use your gut, if you feel the scene is weird then leave, stay safe everyone.

They are not only doing it with females. I have read some cases they record males in public washroom too. Ugh. Disgusting.

Nrfh wrote:

They are not only doing it with females. I have read some cases they record males in public washroom too. Ugh. Disgusting.

Not heard of that but I watch out in hotel rooms. Should I find one, I would steal it. They can have the footage because my footage would get me into the movie business.

Fred wrote:

I'm still a little confused at the idea of men entering ladies' washrooms. It isn't something I've heard of here but I suppose it isn't impossible. However, I suspect there would be a massive scene if a man was found in a ladies - and likely a beating if he was caught.

As for Bali, I don't know, but more of the scum end of tourists tends to mean for scummy behaviour.

In fact it is like that. 😅
As I said,  this is likely to happen in a fairly quiet area not in a crowded area.  Example it was reported that there was an incident in one of the university.  But the culprit has been caught. … n?page=all

There are still many cases, you can search on google 😁

From your link

Faculty of Sharia and Law

One for neraka. A hypocritical pervy sex pest.

Ryan_chaniago wrote:


Ryan i want to say thank you. I went to the nearest firness centre and you are right. They have hot shower, clean towel, and cleaning services that smell like flowers every day.

They also have sauna.

Nrfh wrote:
Ryan_chaniago wrote:


Ryan i want to say thank you. I went to the nearest firness centre and you are right. They have hot shower, clean towel, and cleaning services that smell like flowers every day.

They also have sauna.

Looks like Ryan has the winning post of the thread.  :one

Nrfh wrote:
Ryan_chaniago wrote:


Ryan i want to say thank you. I went to the nearest firness centre and you are right. They have hot shower, clean towel, and cleaning services that smell like flowers every day.

They also have sauna.

You're welcome, I'm happy to help each other.  Actually that's my personal experience. Hehe.. About 4 to 5 years ago.  When I often work until midnight, even into the morning.  So I didn't go home because I was considering my health condition.  You know that Jakarta must be jammed in the morning.  One of the fitness centre opens at 6am near my office.  That was an advantage for me at the time.  Because if I shower in the office, many people can't wait in line ( like driver of some company or OB, etc ), it makes me feel uncomfortable. 😁