
Safety in teakettle village

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Thinking about moving to Belize.  Near teakettle village.  How is the safety in teakettle village, Spanish lookout, and Belmopan?

See also

Living in Belize: the expat guideLife changesPlanning on visiting for possible permanent livungMy pension letters.Cell Phones in Belize

@Doc83, really depends by neighborhood in each. And what you are looking for.

Teakettle- I wouldn't live along the highway.  Check out some of the neighborhoods.  Somewhere around there is a neighborhood where a lot of the Belmopan police like to live.  It is a good location from a geographic standpoint.

Spanish Lookout-  This is primarily a Mennonite community.  Its pretty well the same everywhere.  You won't necessarily be able to buy just anywhere as a non Mennonite, unless you are.   This area is across the Belize River from lower income areas, and has its own police station.  Non Mennonites standout.  This is one of the more safer areas in the Country and more readily available shopping and services.  Not very touristy.  Plus you probably won't "get to know" your neighbors as well as in other Belize communities.  We live on the outskirts. Have trouble with trespassers and hunters.  But no one has lived on our property for 15 years, thus people think they own it, plus good fishing and hunting behind us.

Belmopan- is a mixture.  Really you have to look by neighborhood.

Reach out to John Acott- Realtor.  We go through him.  Tell him what you are looking for.


Recommend you get a rental for a few months.  Don't think about buying until you have made about 6 visits or lived there 2 to 3 months.


Thank you for the info.  I am looking at property on young gal Rd.  Off the highway.  I have been in contact with John Scott already.  I assume he is trustworthy as you recommended him.  What do you do about the trespassers and hunters? And why, if you don't mind me asking has your property been vacant for 15 yrs?


Sorry.  John acott.  Autocorrect.  Also, are the police corrupt?  I lived in Mexico city for a bit and that was definitely the case.


Trespassers- signs/fences.  German Shepherd/Rottweilers.  Better yet, Geese/Guineas.  Keep telling them to stay off.  It will subside.  Depends if you have a small yard or many acres.  Remember you are not in a 1st world country.  Your out back on your property with 4 guys you don't know and they have one gun and 4 machetes.  Don't act like you have a police force to support you.  They may only have $20 to their name.  Not much to lose.

15 years- they were asking too much.  They cut in half six months before, then we went even lower.

Police are good.  Have had several interactions with them, and all times professional.  You might not like the bureaucracy, but that goes through all parts of their culture, government and business.  It took me 9 "trips" to get a bank account.

What are you looking for?  If you see something let John know to find it.  Water, neighbors, jungle, farm, acres, restaurants, etc.  Young Gal is a good location.  Recommend your stay or live at the several cottages along the road there for several weeks or months while you look for a spot.

I would spend a week each in Placencia, Corozal, San Ignacio, Hummingbird Highway, San Pedro, etc.  Unless there is a specific reason you picked Young Gal.

Spencer Kane

ClarkForestryLLC,  your recent responses on a number of posts have been incredibly insightful and useful.  You may be responding to a particular individual, but many, I'd wager, are benefiting.  Thank you!


Thank you very much.  I appreciate the info/help


Have fun checking out Belize.  Please post a picture when you find the magnet hill. 

Put your car in neutral and go up hill.


Magnet hill is at mile 29 on Hummingbird. I don't think they re-routed around this with the recent "road improvements" on Hummingbird, but I don't remember, as I wasn't really paying attention to that.


I think the new road at mile 29 changed the results. Tried yesterday, didn't work. Too bad...


Got back from Belize last week.  Stayed at Banana Bank Lodge.  A little far out, but was great.  Had a Jaguar out my front door.  And parrots over near the main house and eating area.  They are known for horses.  In the general area of Young Gal road/Teakettle and Belmopan you are looking at.  In that whole area, make sure it does not flood.

You might stay at that location a few days and get to know the people.  I picked it, even though it is out of the way where we are building since the owners have Teak trees which I am interested and also the wife is a "Really Great" artist.  World Class. If you get a chance see the art gallery and Mayan collection. Wanted to talk with someone with a creative eye.  Invited them over to our location we are building and they gave some input on setting up our place.

Looked at a Gorgeous 25 acres off the western highway on Society Hall road.  It had an offer on it.  I have looked from the road several times at this property and thought it was okay.  The gate was open, so I drove to the back of the property and to the top of a 100 foot plateau or hillock.  Gorgeous view below of the property.  Across to the mountains.  Been on the market for about 3 years.  Line of sight with Internet tower.

My point is check out a lot of properties.  Especially ones that have been on the market.  The owners are willing to work with the price more.

Wish I knew how to attach pictures.  Can't figure out how to use the mountain button above and attach.

This trip was mainly for doors.  Travelled all the way to Orange Walk to get pictures of a metal security door, I had noticed.  Got to "Maracas" for a meal.  Great, Great restaurant on the river.   Metal shop near us will build them and the frame for about $400 USD each.  Also decided on a Wood shop to build our exterior and interior doors.  They are in a small village Duck Run 2.   Solid Mahogany (kiln dried) for $300 USD each.  It is actually cheaper to get things customer made than imported due to Import Tariffs.

Checked out some of the top end furniture makers.  Really elegant designs but relatively expensive.  Cheaper than the US custom, but about $2,800 USD for a bed stand.  Not ready to commit to that much.  They are going after resorts and Expats.  Plus the Village builders can make similar furniture for about $900.  My contractor can build nice straight forward for about $200 plus material.

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