
Where is best? For those that are sensitive to bug bites.

Don Karim
Which area would be least prone to bug bites, mosquitoes, sand fleas, and all the rest of the tiny biting creatures. Or is one simply destined to wear bug spray every time one ventures out? I have read that the Cayo district has fewer mosquitoes than the coast. Can anyone verify from personal experience if the bugs in Belize are really that bad. I have lived in the tropics and the only way to keep from getting bitten was to keep a fan blowing all the time. The bugs seem to be particularly fond of me, I'm always the one with the most bug bites.

See also

Living in Belize: the expat guideMy pension letters.Planning on visiting for possible permanent livingLife changesCell Phones in Belize
I'm new to Belize, and have lived in South East Asia for well over 3 decades, and I have never been bitten so badly as I have here. I am at wit's end. Hoping they get sick of me. My partner hardly gets a bite. Resorting to long pants, socks, long-sleeved shirt at worst times of a.m. and p.m. and spray, of course.
That’s what I am expecting. Lots of insects. I lived in Las Vegas Nevada for six years and I don’t think I was bitten by a mosquito six times if that.
We were there for the month of June. One of the locals told us that the mosquitoes are worse now than he can ever remember.

We carried tea tree oil to put on each bite as soon as possible. The bites didn’t bother us then, but I was still concerned about getting a virus.
I Mostly where short sleeve shirts and pants.   Shower with skin so soft. Then spay insect spray on my clothes. It works for me and minimize the bites. 
Brigitte B
I think location and population density has lots to do with bugs. Especially mosquitoes. We live in a jungly area, elevated with a bit of a breeze most of the time. Rural Cayo. No neighbours close by. We can control standing water etc.
We do get an occasional evening when there’s no wind. So we stay in or cover up. We’ve had a small bottle of locally made repellent for quite some time. We don’t burn coils, or spray our house nor property.
But….maybe bugs just don’t like us 😉
Don Karim

@gonegirlhairstudioThanks for the response. Sounds like the bug situation is manageable if you just remember to use the insect repellent when going out in the evening. I hope to come check it out for myself in the next couple of weeks. I am interested in the Corozal area since I am fluent in Spanish and like the idea of the convenience of Chetumal for a little more opportunity at a little bit bigger city.

@Don Karim
Over the years I have lived almost everywhere in Belize except the deep south.
I have lived in Consejo Villge, Corozal for about the past 20 years.  Here are a few observations. Most of the bugs especially the dreaded sand fly are in the south. Mosquitos like the damp, either a swamp or at least a good grass cover.
Build or rent close to the salt water to get the best breezes. The less breeze the more bugs.
Live on the second floor, if possible. Most bugs like cover (when they are not gnawing on your leg) . On a rare day with no breeze they might rise but this is temporary.
We have no screens on our 2nd floor veranda and sit out there almost everyday, enjoying the breeze. Very rarely  a mosquitos hatch will drive us inside for a day or two. (nothing is perfect).
Beware the doctor fly. They haven't read this and are particularly vicious. Plus they have the ability to land so softly that you don't realize that you have been chosen until they start to drill.
If you do notice one land on you, watch until she  has chosen a drill location. Then wait until she puts her head down to drill. THEN smack her. Timing is everything, the difference between her getting away, getting bit, or  canceling her birth certificate.
Hope this helps.
Hi Bob
Thanks for the reply about the bugs.
My hubby & I are coming in November for 6 months to Corozal. We were just talking about the mosquitoe situation, your answer really helped.
1 question….. can you buy off or something like that in Corozal? & how if so, would you know how much?
Thanks Terry

Mornin All- My wife and I are in Corozal, just outside of town, we are in a "jungly" area. The mosquitos can be quite bad, just in the time it takes to get from the car port to the front door we've been bitten several times. Yes, you can get OFF in Corozal - the "deep woods" seems to work pretty well. They are particularly bad at dawn and at dusk. We don't forget to use the OFF like we did when we first arrived. As long as you have a repellent on, even though we can see the little critters, we tend not to get bitten. We do use the "mosquito coils" both in the house and outside. They are surprisingly effective.  We've only been here since May of this year. Deep Woods off is about $15/can BZD if I'm remembering correctly. We haven't encountered any sand fleas - probably because there's no sand in Corozal.



thanks for the info!

My hubby & I are arriving in Corozal Nov 1st.

So glad to know we can buy off down there, as we will probably need it…. As we are there for 6 months


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