Return to Malaysia My Travel Pass

Hi, does anyone know how long the Immigration takes to process these applications? Mine has been “in progress” for ages.

How long has it been? it can take a few weeks, but if you're from a country that's currently banned from reentry it might take much longer.

I've heard people from the UK say that they've been denied over a handful of times since the Delta variant spike in the UK.

Hi. Thanks for your reply. It's been about 3 weeks since I filled in the online form. I'll be travelling home to KL from Vietnam. I'm married to a Malaysian citizen and I already have a Long term Social Visit Pass.
I guess I just need to be patient.

Well, there are only two ways to get in, by LTSVP or one of the EP passes, so they are supposed to let you in but with cases rising in VN now that may become a reason to decline. The Myentry website gives the impression of efficiency and speed but thats not the case especially with rising cases.

As I know, you'll need the mysejatera app to get through Immigration. Do you have that ready? I dont know at this moment what the Malaysia requirement is for testing or jabs before the flight, nor do I know what your airline says about tests, too. I also dont know for how long entry approval is good for. I hope its long enough for you to get a test if needed.

My general advice is to keep delaying a trip for now. Can you?

mine too is in process

MP SPEAKS | It's time for MyTravelPass to be phased out entirely

MP SPEAKS | Last week, Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein made a public call for the Immigration Department to review the categories of applications heading overseas that can be granted permission directly, without having to apply through ‘MyTravelPass'.

Currently, Malaysia remains in an international ‘lockdown' mode where not only are our borders closed to foreigners, Malaysian residents are also not allowed to leave the country without ‘valid' reasons and are subjected to ‘MyTravelPass' approvals.

We have received numerous complaints about the bureaucratic process of ‘MyTravelPass' applications as well as the somewhat arbitrary process of approving applications. Many have had to undergo the stress, anxiety and uncertainty of rescheduling trips or worse bearing unnecessary travel expenses due to the application process.

Currently, those who have just been offered a job or entry into an educational institution, are attending meetings or business affairs, and those participating in exhibitions, training or competitions abroad may be approved with an official application, supported with a letter from the relevant regulatory agency.

Other categories are emergency affairs concerning immediate family members due to death or illness, partner visa holder and those participating in humanitarian/religious aid missions.

Travel abroad for all other reasons are barred entirely.

Today my application was rejected for the 3rd time. The first 2 times just said “Incomplete information” but this time they want details of my work and residency in Vietnam.
Now that is entirely typical of Immigration in giving a list of requirements and then asking for more and more. However it's a bit of progress from not telling what they want.

Is it possible to wait until covid calms down a bit?

I cant speak for your circumstances but on the govt website it says they are only allowing people in who have an urgent purpose like a business meeting or something. Anything for leisure or non-urgent would more likely be delayed or rejected. If you cant wait then you need a way to explain urgency to them.