Antwerp Salary & Family Living Costs

Dear Group,

I have searched the forum but many posts are quite old now, could we update this with some opinions if possible? thanks in advance )

We are a family of 4, with 2 kids. One parent will work only. Would a salary of 100,000 euros per year GROSS be reasonably comfortable to live with in the Antwerp area? I read on top of this we will receive a standard child benefit around 140 euro per child, per month.

We would rent a 3 bedroom place and then move to a mortgage of a 3 bed house in +/- 1 year. 1 electric car to run. Will use public education.

We don't live the high life and don't buy expensive clothes. Eat eat out maybe once per week.

Thank you.

Welcome to the forum.

Check for living costs.
Go online to find out how much tax you will have to pay.

Thanks I am aware of those sort of sites. Just looking for some more personal opinions from people actually living and working in Belgium. Can't beat that.

Your wage is in the very high side for Belgian standards I would say. But taxes....
Let me tell you something, salary taxes will rip you apart. Even with 3 people on your charge(non working wife+ 2 kids) you will be left with +-55k after tax yearly. That means +-3800/month. You can live decently with that salary but it is not that you are going to make any considerable savings. Maybe 500-700€ a month after rent, food, bills, etc.
If wife can work even with a average  salary such as 40k/year then you can be pretty better off and save a good amount of money as well on yearly basis.
Does your employer offers the possibility of being a contractor?
If yes speak to a accountant, seems you might be better off setting up a BV (limited company)

Thank you for your reply. Can I ask how you get to 3800 +/- after tax? I used this site which is showing around 4600 after tax and some other more generic sites showing 4200 net.

I used a similar calculator actually.

But you have to keep in mind that your 100.000 will be paid 13.92 times a year.
Whereas the 1.92 times are one in December and one in May and will be taxed at even higher rate. Do you have any other perks? Such as company car, group pension plan etc. These will make a difference as well

@MacCaully, use the calculator @Edigj sent you, that one will give the correct numbers.

And Antwerp tax is 8%, so this will give you around  €3,742.90 (considering you children above 3 years old).

Antwerp is a beautiful city, but rent is also quite high. But if you don't mind, you can easily find cheaper places in little far from the city center.

Important point, Belgium is great for quality of life, but terrible for saving money.