FAQs re: MEU1 & MEU3 Residency Docs reqd by UK nationals in Cyprus

Source  https://www.facebook.com/notes/uk-in-cy … 4816193168

There will be changes to the way that UK nationals can live, travel and access services in Cyprus after 31 December 2020. The below FAQs explain the importance of obtaining or updating your residency status, the benefits that residency gives you and the difference between temporary (MEU1) and permanent residency (MEU3). Please visit the GOV.UK Living in Cyprus guide for further guidance on residence rights in Cyprus and follow our social media pages for further updates.

1.  Why do I need a residency document? I've lived here for years without one and experienced no problems.
The Withdrawal Agreement that the UK agreed with the EU in 2019, established a transition period until the end of December 2020, during which time UK nationals will continue to be treated in the same way as EU nationals in Cyprus. In order to evidence your rights to live, work, study or access benefits in Cyprus after the end of 2020 you need to apply for residency. If you have been in Cyprus for less than 5 years you should apply for an MEU1 (temporary residency permit). If you have been in Cyprus for over 5 years you should apply for an MEU3 (permanent residency). You will not be penalised if you have been living in Cyprus without residency documents.
You can find all the information on how to apply for your residency document on our Living in Cyprus page.

2. When do I need to apply by?
You should apply before the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020. This is because UK nationals with residency documents will then be able to continue to travel freely into and out of Cyprus on the same basis as EU nationals from January 1 2021. UK nationals who have regularised their residency will also be able to register with GESY – the Cypriot General Healthcare system and be entitled to lifelong healthcare rights for as long as they remain resident in Cyprus. After 31 December 2020, the procedure for residency applications and residency documents is likely to change. The new procedures may be different and the new residency document will have a defined validity in years. The current MEU1 and MEU3 documents do not have an expiry date.

3. Is it a legal requirement to have a residency document in Cyprus?
Yes, all UKNs who plan to stay in Cyprus longer than 90 days must register with the Civil Registry and Immigration Authorities and apply for an MEU residency document.
This includes UK nationals who have bought property in Cyprus and spend more than 90 days here, those who have lived in Cyprus for many years and never registered or have residency documents issued prior to 2004, those who work or study in Cyprus, and those who have retired and chosen to make Cyprus their permanent home.

4. I have an older residency document do I have to apply for an MEU residency document?
Yes. Examples of outdated and invalid residency documents include: a brown residency booklet, a blue slip, a pink slip, an ARC, or an old residency stamp in a UK passport.
All these residency documents and stamps in passports, issued prior to 2004, became invalid when Cyprus entered the EU and initiated the MEU residency document procedures for all nationals of EU Member States living in Cyprus. If you do not update your older residency documents you may experience difficulties re-entering Cyprus or accessing services after 31 December 2020.

5. What is the financial criteria that I need to pass in order to be able to apply for my residency document?
According to the Minimum Guaranteed income funds as provided by the Ministry of Labour (EEE), you will need to be able to provide documentary evidence that you receive a minimum income or pension of over €480 per month.

6. If I don't have a residency document and remain in Cyprus for longer than 90 days will I have difficulties leaving or returning to Cyprus?
Yes. The rules on travel to and from the Republic of Cyprus will change after 31 December 2020. If you do not have a residency document then you cannot remain in Cyprus for longer than 90 days after this date. If you exceed the 90 day limit, you could face difficulties and/or fines when travelling in and out of Cyprus. As per our Living in Cyprus guide, you are advised to carry your Cyprus-issued residency documents when travelling in/out of Cyprus.

7. What help is there for UKNs who are elderly or vulnerable to register for residency?
UK National Support Fund
On 6 March 2020 the FCO announced funding for organisations to provide practical support to UK nationals who may find it harder to complete their residency applications.
These organisations will help individuals who may find it harder to complete the necessary paperwork to secure their residency rights, including pensioners, disabled people, those living in remote areas or who have mobility difficulties, and those who require help with language translation or interpretation.
In Cyprus, two organisations are providing this practical support: SSAFA (specifically for armed forces veterans) and Cyprus Residency Planning Group (CRPG). If you or someone you know may find it harder to complete the paperwork, you can contact them using the details below to discuss how they may be able to help you.
SSAFA: 800 77058 (freephone)
Mon - Fri 09.00-17.30
CRPG: 800 09009 (freephone)
Mon – Fri 09.00-13.00

8. I applied for my MEU residency document months ago and still haven't received it. What should I do?
We are aware that there are currently delays in the issuance of residency documents. It is important to keep the receipt that you receive when you submit your residency application, as this receipt will enable you to look into the progress of your application by referencing the application number as it appears on the receipt. If you have not received your residency documents after several months, you can enquire into the status of your application through the SMS Service for Information Regarding Applications for Residence Permits by sending a free SMS message to 8999. Send a message with the word STATUS leave a space and add the number of your application.

9. I have been in Cyprus for longer than 5 years and have an MEU1 document, why should I apply for MEU3 permanent residency status?
The MEU3 document allows immediate registration to Cyprus' General Healthcare system known as GESY. You do not have to be an S1 holder or be contributing to the Cyprus Social Insurance Scheme to register with GESY if you have an MEU3.
If you plan to spend time both in the UK and in Cyprus during the year, an MEU1 allows you to be out of Cyprus for up to 6 months per year whereas, the MEU3 permanent residency status allows up to 5 years out of the country.

10. I have an MEU1 can I register with GESY?
If you have an MEU1, you can only register with GESY if you are an S1 holder, or if you are contributing to Cyprus Social Insurance as an employee or company owner, or if you are voluntarily contributing to the Cyprus Social Insurance Scheme.
We advise you to have comprehensive healthcare cover if you are not entitled to register with GESY. There is more information about GESY on our Living in Cyprus page.

11. I am an early retiree and do not yet have an S1 can I register with GESY if I have an MEU1?
As an MEU1 holder, you can't register with GESY unless you are currently receiving a state pension as evidenced by the S1 document, or unless you are contributing to the Cyprus Social Insurance Scheme. We advise you to have comprehensive healthcare cover if you are not entitled to register with GESY. More information about state pensions and social assistance benefits can be found on our Living in Cyprus page.

12. If I have an MEU1 or MEU3 residence document can I apply for a Cyprus issued EHIC card?
You can apply for a Cyprus issued EHIC card only if you are contributing to the Cyprus Social Insurance Scheme. Having an MEU1 or MEU3 without contributing to Social Insurance does not entitle you to apply for a Cyprus issued EHIC card.

13. If I have an MEU1 or MEU3 residency document can I apply for social assistance benefits?
Yes, both MEU1 and MEU3 holders are entitled to apply for social assistance and social welfare benefits. More information can be found on the Living in Cyprus Guide and the Department of Social Welfare Services website here.
If there are changes to residency registration processes, we will update this guidance as soon as information is available.

MEU3 in practice September 2020 during coronavirus pandemic at Limassol immigration office

Large room separated from two smaller rooms by glass windows with small openings in them. In one smaller room there is a lady all the time "allthetimelady". In the the other smaller room the lady comes and goes "comeandgolady".

Allthetimelady gave me this list when I asked her for a list of documents needed for MEU3 application and told me to come to the office on any weekday between 8:00 and 11:00 when I have the documents. Appointment is not needed.

When I asked her if the rental agreement really needs both tax department and mukhtar stamps she knew nothing about it.

When I went to tax department to get the stamp I was told that tax department does not do the stamps any longer.

I learned later that the greek version of the document list says that rental agreement needs either tax department stamp or mukhtar stamp, but not both as the english version says.

When you have the documents you go to the allthetimelady and she gives you a piece of plastic with a number on it. When the comeandgolady calls that number you give her the originals and copies through the opening in the glass window. She disappears and comes back a few minutes later and gives you the original documents back and says the following: "Come here on Friday, you will receive the registration downstairs. The MEU3 will be sent to you later."

The following Friday I received a paper titled "Application Form Reception Document" at the entrance door after showing my ID.

A reliable source told me that utility companies and banks will give you a statement of accounts covering the last 5 years. So 5 years of monthly, bimonthly etc statements are not necessary. This "statement of accounts" is also mentioned in "Recommended documents for Permanent Residence - MEU3.doc" on this webpage http://www.moi.gov.cy/moi/crmd/crmd.nsf … enDocument

None of the copies need to be certified.

The fee is €22, not €20.

The SMS message to 8999 mentioned above did not work for me.

Has the fee gone up then....

"Had it gone up then." Please rephrase that.

As far as I am aware the fee in Paphos is still only €20 per person

€22 is what I had to pay in Limassol a week ago.

Good afternoon
I have a couple of questions regarding the income needed per month to apply for MEU1. I believe it is €480 per month per person, so €960 for us both. I am planning to use my private pension drawdown for most of this but I am not yet withdrawing anything as I am still working in the UK. I have a letter from the pension provider showing the monthly income I am entitled too, do you think this will be sufficient evidence?

The other question is if I show that I have savings in a UK or Cyprus bank do they take this into account as obviously I could withdraw an amount each month to top up the money from the pension taking the total above the €960 needed for myself and my wife.

I have a meeting with immigration in November and think I have everything needed but am unsure about the above. Any information would be very helpful


Yes both are good they are only interested in you being able to support yourselves so bring what you can to prove it payments made to you and savings etc

Thats great thank you Toon. Are you from the toon?

I am from Gateshead.... born and bred - -

Toon wrote:

I am from Gateshead.... born and bred - -

My condolences Toon.......  :whistle:

Gods country is very forgiving my  friend lol

Just for info - Paphos office interview dates are now mid February- I went in 10 minutes behind a couple who got 3rd February but by time I got in and waited for someone to come to window or was mid February.

That was Tuesday - Could be March by now

Also absolute chaos just to get a ticket to get in.

Go early pre 7am

cheers Hawkeye - - yes my friends who moved here end of November arranged via Gwenny to get their interviews sorted and were given a date mid Jan.. that was only a couple of weeks ago  - so it seems many "locals" are panicking to get in before the cut off.

any way good luck to all

I keep getting mixed messages from Gwenny's

I emailed and asked if they could book appointment without me being there and they said no.

Then I hear they can, but I think they take your passport and send someone to do it.

So Yes and No.

They need to see you in the office and take your passport I guess.

After I went and got my appointment, I went and registered with Gwenny's to do the actual interview.

But wish J had known they could go and book it for you - would have saved a lot of hassle.

My partner and I arrived in Larnaca 21st October. We visited the immigration on the 25th and were given a date 1 month later on Nov 25th.

We were in and out in 20 minutes via the self sufficient route.

As Toon states they were most interested in documents proving we can support ourselves financially so bank statements etc. As we are self employed we brought previous years tax returns showing earnings which sufficed.

For our rental agreement we used the Stamp Duty calculator from the Ministry website which you'll need a TIN (Tax identity number) for, and which your landlord/letting company can provide if you dont have one to calculate. Then to the post office to get stamps of that value. Ours worked out to be €6 in total. Attach them and sign over the stamps and keep the printout of the calculator with it.

We also provided a Utility Bill copy. If you're new to Cyprus like us and don't have utilities in your name yet it's fine they accept it with the landlord/letting agencies name on it, as long as the address is the same.

Health insurance we used So Easy for the €175 immigration insurance which ticks all the boxes for the immigration but we also have separate insurance plans which provide much better cover and excess etc. But the €175 immigration will do just fine for the immigration process.

Hope that helps any newbies who have recently arrived!



But Paphos is just chaos and did not want to risk self service route - We don't need a tax stamp as rent is €395 a month and local officials Murktar won't stamp other stuff - so Gwenny's have a form to say that the local Murktar can't be bothered and I just signed the disclaimer

To be honest and in my opinion I dont rate Gwennys at all. Her staff give out incorrect  details requiring a further visit to clarify (WITH GWENNY HERSELF)  and further when paying €180 For a service it should be correct.

The stamp duty calculator is readily and freely available on the website but stamp duty  is not required on rental contracts total value of less than €5k

Correct, forgot to mention this in my post as ours was over.

I tried Melanie first as she got lots of votes, but she is busy so Gwenny's was the only real other choice that people recommended

Yes - I had seen that previously - but luckily at the moment I got a deal under €400 including utilities, Wi-fi and communal fees, communal pool and with an opt out of 1 months notice after 5 months.

This suits our needs in case we are denied the right to reside.

There is a lady called Eleni Mala give her a try 99 796104

My partner has the Meu3 and is already registered on Gesy. He has just reached pensionable age and we have been told from a friend that unless he submits an S1 form he could be refused treatment on gesy. Is this true ?

For what it's worth since the new system appears to be getting more efficient I think you will need the form S1 it's not difficult to get and can be done over The phone  and email with the DWP

However just a thought if your partner has an meu3 you are allowed to apply and legitimately obtain GESY access without charges the same as those with an S1

Best to get it direct from the horses mouth GESY are very good in giving good sound advice and guidance rather than hearsay

Hi yes he's already on Gesy through his Meu3 just we were told to hurry up and get the S1 as the Meu3 can only be used for gesy under pensionable age

I am not 100% sure just send a question to GESY and get it from them direct ... you know what the rumour mill is like

Yes exactly thanks I have just emailed them. To be honest I don't think it's true but our friend is adamant

but it's possible as once you reach pension age  uk  would pick up the GESY healthcare bill through  a recharge of costs via the S1 mechanism.   As I've said many time best to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it

It's not difficult to get

Yes he's arranged for one today. Gesy came back to me saying

We would like to inform you that since your partner is already registered under the GHS as permanent residence there is no need to proceed with the change of the beneficiary category. Please note that if he acquires the S1 certification then he can apply to the Ministry of Health in order to receive a relevant certification that will exclude him from the obligation of paying contribution for the GHS.


Excellent well done

Hi I need help I'm in UK for almost 3 years I have a MEU1 as because of this virus not being able too go back too Cyprus and still working here I'm a British citizen but looking too move back to Nicosia can you advise me on best ways to go back I have a yellow slip but I have been out more than 6monthes can I apply here in the UK For the MEU3????

No you must attend in person although if you appoint an agent to make application with certified documents an application can be made but you must attend interview in person To apply for meu3 you must have a valid meu1. And also show 5 yrs continuous proof of living here by way of utility bills bank statements rental agreement or house purchase

If you have meu1 you might be lucky and not be stopped at passport control and be allowed to enter however as you haven't been here for a long time then you may be required to apply again  for the new residency document

Thanks I'm new here so it would help any advice would be great I have family in Cyprus plus a Greek dad even though it's a step dad would this help plus I'm going too buy a house in Cyprus would this also help and is it hard too buy a house in Cyprus...



Have you tried to get Cypriot citizenship although it maybe you can't as maybe not a blood relative. Worth a try though.

Not difficult to buy a house but as a non-EU national you are restricted to buying only one each maximum…

Thanks for all your help I was coming back with in the 6months but this covid 19 virus stopped me coming back as of the ban I'm speaking with Cyprus immigration and the embassy to find out what to do but if you got advice 9r can find out some information message me anytime if you find anything thanks again for replying I love Nicosia it's like my second home I have been traveling for many years and I was over there when I was 8years old and lived in Limassol for 5years and went too school in Cyprus as well so it should not be hard for me too me back as I have a history there plus my mum and dad lives in Cyprus as he's a Cypriot.

Getting citizenship then shouldn't be a problem for you then that's great news am pleased for you


I have only the brown booklet but have been in Cyprus with my own property back and forth since 2004

Can I apply directly for MEU3 or do I have to get MEU1 first?