
Closing of Borders


Once again Hungary is closing its borders from 1st September 2020 to foreigners. Hungarians and residents will need to be test and also self isolate.

See also

Living in Hungary: the expat guideFilms to watch & to look out forAbsolutely Anything ElseToday's WeatherHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Hungary
Marilyn Tassy

Knew this would happen as soon a summer was done with, Aug.20th and it's basically the end of summer.
Not a good time to have the travel bug.


SimCityAT wrote:

Once again Hungary is closing its borders from 1st September 2020 to foreigners. Hungarians and residents will need to be tested and also self isolate.

I'm in the UK at the moment and coming back to Hungary this evening.  I just had to come as I have to see my elderly relatives just in case. On arrival I'll see what it's like at the border. I knew when I came here, I'd have to self-isolate on return. 

I just wish the HU government would have the entire system fully developed and documented before announcement.  Then they could just publish the entire policy then and there and not give a half-baked reference to it and then publish it afterwards.  The lag is awful and the news wires hardly reference this kind of thing.

Noticed also that football is pretty much excluded.  We all know the reason for that.  We also noticed a new stadium being built next to the Ferencvaros football stadium.  It seems there might be more football stadiums available per head of population than anywhere else!