Moving to Tokyo: Decent salary

Hello all,

I am 23 year old, currently live and work in India with an experience of ~ 2 years, and am new to being an expat.

I have been offered a  job in Tokyo  and I am looking to move there shortly
I am being offered a salary of 65,000 USD which equates to ~7.2 million JPY

I belief Tokyo is a very expensive city taking into account
1. the cost of living in city center(location of workplace)
2. high tax rates
3. expensive rent, food and travel

So, I am not sure whether this salary is at par with the industry standards in Tokyo and will help me save a good amount. I am single and would be happy leading a simple life without any lavish needs

Since, I am  leaving behind a good salary, comforts and family at home, I would like to save decent money as long as I stay in Tokyo, instead of just living a decent life

Any help/views would be GREATLY appreciated

Thanks all

I think your salary is pretty good for your age.

Try for living costs

I've never seen anyone at that age getting more than 5m yen.
Even 5m yen is a decent salary for a IT guy in their late 20.
Of course, Google japan or some other financial companies such as JP Morgan, Mitsubishi UFJ can offer that salary but only a small amount of people can get that.
May i ask what's your position and what company offers that salary?
I'm 27 years old and only getting around 5.5m yen.