
Does this news have any impact on processing work permits currently?

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Maximus24 … ce-permit/

Also what is the rate at which Belgian type B work permits are processed at the moment? Mine was submitted on Sep 4th.

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Job offers in BelgiumWorking in AntwerpWorking in LiègeWorking in CharleroiFinding work in Brussels

Looks very similar to the MVV system currently in use in the Netherlands.  There, all applications go to a central office, where they are passed out to regional offices to be dealt with.

Pro's = even workflow, most efficient use of the workforce should result in better overall customer service.
Con's = at times when the workforce is reduced (vacation, sickness etc), there is no replacement staff, so service turnaround suffers.

It seems to work OK, although some users complain that it is taking too long.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team


An addition to that news, … its-issued

This is indeed welcome as dependants can work without WP. Will this apply to existing work permit holders?

If its for new permit holders only once it becomes law, what will become of old wp holders? Is there a precedence?


We have to wait for the legislation and practical procedures to be published to get absolute clarity on this one.

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