
Driving license


Hi expat community!
I am looking into getting my driver's license switched over to a french one, because I live here in France with a titre de séjour. They ask for proof that my american driver's license is STILL valid, that is wasn't revoked or anything. I am wondering if anyone knows how I go about getting this sort of proof from California, while I am here in France?

here is what it says on the website:

Sauf si vous êtes réfugié ou bénéficiez d'une autre protection internationale, attestation de droits à conduire de moins de 3 mois du pays qui a délivré le permis et permettant de vérifier que vous ne faites pas l'objet d'une mesure de suspension, de retrait ou d'annulation du droit de conduire ; si elle n'est pas rédigée en langue française, l'attestation doit être accompagné d'une traduction effectuée par un traducteur habilité

what is this exactly, and how do I get if from California? any ideas?


See also

Driving in FranceFrench drivers license (Beziers)ANTES driving me insane. Advice re Exchange of license?Leclerc Location - Car HireHas anyone sent their car over from the US ?

You simply have to get a statement from your licensing authority in the USA. stating that your licence is valid, no bans etc. In other words write to them explaining what you are trying to do. The licensing authority will almost certainly have done it before.

Almost certainly you will then have to have it translated by an 'official translator'. to give to the French authorities when applying for a French licence.

I have been through it and it is fairly straight forward.